Acronym | Definition |
LAI➣Leaf Area Index |
LAI➣Logic and Artificial Intelligence |
LAI➣Lean Aerospace Initiative |
LAI➣Lean Advancement Initiative (MIT) |
LAI➣Local Area Identity |
LAI➣Location Area Identify |
LAI➣Local Application Interface |
LAI➣Library of Ancient Israel |
LAI➣Latin American Idol (talent TV show) |
LAI➣Lambda Alpha International (honorary land economics society) |
LAI➣Lea Artibai Ikastetxea (Spanish school cooperative) |
LAI➣Long-Acting Injection |
LAI➣Liberal Arts Institute (various locations) |
LAI➣Landscape Artists International |
LAI➣Laboratory-Acquired Infection |
LAI➣Lachman Associates, Inc. (Westmont, IL) |
LAI➣Light Armored Infantry |
LAI➣Location Area Identification |
LAI➣Laboratory Audit Inspection (EPA) |
LAI➣Local Access Infection |
LAI➣Ley de Acceso a la Información (Guatemala) |
LAI➣Look Ahead Interflow |
LAI➣Laboratory Analytical Instruments |
LAI➣Lesson Administration Instruction |
LAI➣Laboratory Associated Infection |
LAI➣Low Airspeed Indicator |
LAI➣Linear Antenna Impedance |