释义 |
MIRL membrane inhibitor of reactive lysis; see protectin.CD59 A 65-kD membrane, glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol-anchored complement-neutralising protein encoded by CD59 on chromosome 11p13, which inhibits the complement membrane attack complex, binding to C8 and C9 during assembly of the complex. Normal expression Most leukocytes and red cells. Abnormal expression May be absent in some forms of paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria.Patient discussion about MIRLQ. How much protein should an 18 month old male toddler have daily? A. sorry about the above :), what i said is i couldn't find a table, although i saw one once( don't remember). but i recommend this site to get information in - http://www.indiaparenting.com/diet/ and-www.drmdk.com/html/nutrition.html about protein, it depends on the infant's weight.
More discussions about MIRLMIRL
Acronym | Definition |
MIRL➣Meet in Real Life (Internet slang) | MIRL➣Medium Intensity Runway Light | MIRL➣Membrane Inhibitor of Reactive Lysis | MIRL➣Mechanical Industry Research Laboratories (Industrial Technology Research Institute; Hsinchu, Taiwan) | MIRL➣Mineral Industry Research Laboratory (University of Alaska Fairbanks) | MIRL➣Modular Integrated Reader Lock |