

单词 benzene



B0194000 (bĕn′zēn′, bĕn-zēn′)n. A colorless, flammable, toxic, liquid aromatic hydrocarbon, C6H6, derived from petroleum and used in or to manufacture a wide variety of chemical products, including DDT, detergents, insecticides, and motor fuels. Also called benzol.


(ˈbɛnziːn; bɛnˈziːn) n (Elements & Compounds) a colourless flammable toxic aromatic liquid used in the manufacture of styrene, phenol, etc, as a solvent for fats, resins, etc, and as an insecticide. Formula: C6H6. See also benzene ring


(ˈbɛn zin, bɛnˈzin)

n. a colorless, slightly water-soluble, liquid aromatic compound, C6H6, obtained chiefly from coal tar: used in making chemicals and dyes and as a solvent. [1825–35]


(bĕn′zēn′) A clear, colorless, flammable liquid, C6H6. It is derived from petroleum and used to make detergents, insecticides, motor fuels, and many other chemical products. ♦ The six carbon atoms of benzene are arranged in a ring, called a benzene ring, having alternating single and double bonds, with a hydrogen atom attached to each carbon atom. This ring is a fundamental component of many other organic compounds.
benzyl adjectiveDid You Know? One of the key insights in the history of chemistry came in a dream. In 1865 chemists knew that a benzene molecule consisted of six carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms. They also knew that carbon atoms have four bonds by which they can join with other atoms. But none of the chain-like structures that chemists knew about then worked with these numbers of atoms and bonds. The German chemist Friedrich August Kekulé had thought about this problem for a long time. One night he fell asleep and dreamed of snakes. One snake bit its own tail, forming a circle. Awakened by the image, Kekulé realized that the six carbon atoms in benzene formed a ring. Each carbon was bound once to one adjacent carbon and twice to the carbon on its other side. And each used its fourth bond to hold a hydrogen atom outside the ring. Modern chemistry owes much of its power to the understanding of ringed carbon compounds that started with Kekulé's dream.
Noun1.benzene - a colorless liquid hydrocarbon; highly inflammable; carcinogenic; the simplest of the aromatic compoundsbenzine, benzolaromatic hydrocarbon - a hydrocarbon that contains one or more benzene rings that are characteristic of the benzene series of organic compoundsbenzene formula, benzene nucleus, benzene ring, Kekule formula - a closed chain of 6 carbon atoms with hydrogen atoms attached



(bĕn`zēn, bĕnzēn`), colorless, flammable, toxic liquid with a pleasant aromatic odor. It boils at 80.1&degC; and solidifies at 5.5&degC;. Benzene is a hydrocarbonhydrocarbon
, any organic compound composed solely of the elements hydrogen and carbon. The hydrocarbons differ both in the total number of carbon and hydrogen atoms in their molecules and in the proportion of hydrogen to carbon.
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, with formula C6H6. The simplest picture of the benzene molecule, proposed by the German chemist Friedrich Kekulé (1865), is a hexagon of six carbon atoms joined by alternating single and double bonds and each bearing one hydrogen atom, symbolized by . However, modern studies have shown that the six carbon-carbon bonds are all of equal strength and distance; thus the double-bond electrons do not belong to any particular bonds but rather are delocalized about the ring, with the result that the strength of each bond is between that of a single bond and that of a double bond (see chemical bondchemical bond,
mechanism whereby atoms combine to form molecules. There is a chemical bond between two atoms or groups of atoms when the forces acting between them are strong enough to lead to the formation of an aggregate with sufficient stability to be regarded as an
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Benzene is the parent substance of the aromatic compoundsaromatic compound,
any of a large class of compounds that includes benzene and compounds that resemble benzene in certain of their chemical properties. Originally applied to a small class of pleasant-smelling chemicals derived from vegetables, it now encompasses a wide diversity
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, a large and important group of organic compounds. It is the first of a series of hydrocarbons known as the benzene series, formed by the substitution of methyl groups, CH3, for the hydrogen atoms of the benzene molecule. The second member of the series is toluenetoluene
or methylbenzene
, C7H8, colorless liquid aromatic hydrocarbon that melts at −95&degC; and boils at 110.8&degC;. It is insoluble in water but highly soluble in most organic solvents.
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, C6H5CH3, from which trinitrotoluenetrinitrotoluene
or TNT
, CH3C6H2(NO2)3, crystalline, aromatic compound that melts at 81&degC;. It is prepared by the nitration of toluene.
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 is derived, and the third member is xylenexylene
or dimethylbenzene
, C6H4(CH3)2, colorless, oily, liquid aromatic hydrocarbon, used extensively as a solvent, obtained from coal tar, wood tar, and sometimes from petroleum.
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, C6H4(CH3)2, a solvent. In xylene and other benzene derivatives in which two of the hydrogens have been replaced, there are three possible arrangements of the substitution groups; in the ortho (o) configuration the groups are on adjacent carbon atoms, in the meta (m) configuration the groups are separated by one carbon atom, and in the para (p) configuration the groups are on opposite sides of the ring. The three forms of xylene (dimethylbenzene) are shown below:

In addition to derivatives formed by the substitution of other groups for one or more of the hydrogen atoms of the benzene ring, two or more rings may be joined together, as in naphthalenenaphthalene
, colorless, crystalline, solid aromatic hydrocarbon with a pungent odor. It melts at 80&degC;, boils at 218&degC;, and sublimes upon heating. It is insoluble in water, somewhat soluble in ethanol, soluble in benzene, and very soluble in ether, chloroform, or carbon
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, anthraceneanthracene
, C14H10, solid organic compound derived from coal tar. It melts at 218&degC; and boils at 354&degC;. When pure it is colorless and has a violet fluorescence; it darkens when exposed to sunlight.
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, and phenanthrene; or other atoms, such as nitrogen, may be substituted for carbon atoms in the ring, as in pyridinepyridine
or azine
, C5H5N, colorless, flammable, toxic liquid with a putrid odor. It melts at −42&degC; and boils at 115.5&degC;. Chemically, it is a heterocyclic aromatic tertiary amine (see under amino group).
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 (C5H5N) and pyrimidinepyrimidine
, type of organic base found in certain coenzymes and in the nucleic acids of plant and animal tissue. The three major pyrimidines of almost universal distribution in living systems are cytosine, thymine, and uracil.
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 (C4H4N2). Among the important derivatives of benzene are phenolphenol
, C6H5OH, a colorless, crystalline solid that melts at about 41&degC;, boils at 182&degC;, and is soluble in ethanol and ether and somewhat soluble in water. An aromatic alcohol, it exhibits weak acidic properties and is corrosive and poisonous.
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, anilineaniline
, C6H5NH2, colorless, oily, basic liquid organic compound; chemically, a primary aromatic amine whose molecule is formed by replacing one hydrogen atom of a benzene molecule with an amino group.
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, and picric acidpicric acid
or 2,4,6-trinitrophenol
, C6H2(NO2)3OH, a toxic yellow crystalline solid that melts at 122&degC; and is soluble in most organic solvents. Picric acid is a derivative of phenol.
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. Benzene and the other aromatic hydrocarbons are obtained for industrial purposes from the distillation of coal tar, a byproduct in the manufacture of coke, and from petroleum by special reforming methods. They are used in the manufacture of plastics, synthetic rubber, dyes, and drugs. Benzene is a known carcinogen.



an organic compound, C6H6; the simplest aromatic hydrocarbon. It is a mobile, colorless, volatile liquid with a distinct, mild odor: Tm = 5.5° C; Tb = 80. 1° C. Density, 879.1 kg/m3 (0.8791 g/cm3) at 20°C; nD20, 1.5011. Benzene forms an explosive mixture in a volume concentration of 1.5 to 8 percent in air. Benzene is completely miscible with ether, gasoline, and other organic solvents. At 26° C, 0.054 g of water dissolve in 100 g of benzene; with water it forms an azeotropic (constantly boiling) mixture (91.2 percent benzene by weight) with Tb= 69.25° C.

Benzene was discovered by M. Faraday (1825), who extracted it from a liquid condensate of illuminating gas; it was obtained in its pure form by E. Mitscherlich in 1833 by the dry distillation of the calcium salt of benzoic acid (hence the name).

In 1865, F. A. Kekulé proposed for benzene the structural formula (I), corresponding to cyclohexatriene: a closed chain made up of six carbon atoms with alternating single and double bonds. Kekulé’s formula is rather widely used, although many facts have been accumulated which indicate that benzene does not have the structure of cyclohexatriene. It has long been established that ortho-disubstituted benzenes (for example, 1,2 and 1,6) exist in only one form, whereas Kekulé’s formula permits isomerism of such compounds (substituents at the carbon atoms linked with single or double bonds). In 1872, Kekulé provided the additional hypothesis that the bonds in benzene are constantly and rapidly shifting or oscillating. Other formulas were postulated for the structure of benzene; however, they were not accepted.

The chemical properties of benzene formally correspond to formula (I) to some degree. Thus, under certain conditions, three chlorine molecules or three hydrogen molecules will attach to the benzene molecule; benzene is formed during condensation of three acetylene molecules. However, electrophilic substitution reactions—rather than the addition reactions typical for unsaturated compounds—are generally characteristic for benzene. In addition, the benzene nucleus is very resistant to the action of oxidizers—for example, potassium permanganate—which also contradicts the theory that localized double bonds are present in benzene. The special, so-called aromatic, properties of benzene are explained by the fact that all the bonds in the molecule are equat—that is, the distance between neighboring carbon atoms is identical and equals 0.14 nanometers (1.40 angstroms); the length of a single C—C bond is 0.154 nm (1.54 Å), and the length of the double C=C bond is 0.132 nanometers (1.32 Å). A benzene molecule has an axis of symmetry of the sixth order; benzene, as an aromatic compound, is characterized by the presence of a sextet of π-electrons, which forms a single closed, stable electron system. However, there is still no generally accepted formula for its structure; formula (II) is often used.

Benzene is contained in the products of dry distillation of coal (coke oven gas) and in a small quantity in coke oven tar. A significant quantity of benzene is obtained from the catalytic cyclization of the aliphatic petroleum hydrocarbons. Benzene is a very important raw material for the chemical industry. Under the action of nitric acid, benzene forms nitrobenzene, C6H5NO2, which can be reduced to aniline, C6H5NH2—the initial product in the production of many dyes. When benzene reacts with sulfuric acid, the product is ben-zenesulfonic acid, C6H5SO2OH, the alkaline fusion of whose salts is one of the basic methods of producing phenol. When benzene is alkylated with ethylene in the presence of aluminum chloride, ethylbenzene is produced; the catalytic dehydration of this substance is the basic means of producing styrene, C6H5CH=CH2. Analogously, isopropylbenzene, C6H5CH(CH3)2—the initial product for obtaining phenol and acetone on an industrial scale—is produced from benzene and propylene. Halogen-derivatives of benzene are also widely used. Thus, chlorobenzene is saponified in phenol; by means of Grignard’s reaction, phenyl magnesium chloride, C6H5MgCl, is obtained from chlorobenzene and magnesium. The reaction of phenyl magnesium chloride with ethylene oxide forms phenylethyl alcohol, C6H5CH2CH2OH, which is used in the perfume industry as artificial rose oil. During catalytic hydrogenation, benzene is converted into cyclohex-ane, the initial product in one of the means of producing caprolactam, by the polymerization of which kapron synthetic fiber is produced. Upon irradiation of benzene, the attachment of 3 moles of chlorine and the formation of a mixture of stereoisomeric hexachlorcyclohexanes—one of which (hexachlorane) has strong insecticidal properties—occurs. Benzene is used in the production of explosives and as a solvent and extraction agent in producing varnishes and paints.


Nenitescu, C. D. Organicheskaia khimiia, vol. 1. Moscow, 1962. Pages 304, 323. (Translated from Rumanian.)IA. F. KOMISSAROVEffect on the organism. Benzene can cause acute and chronic poisoning. It penetrates the organism primarily through the respiratory organs, but it can also be absorbed through unharmed skin. The maximum permissible concentration of benzene fumes in work areas is 20 mg/m3. Benzene is eliminated through the lungs and kidneys.
Acute poisoning usually occurs during accidents; its most characteristic symptoms are headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, agitation alternating with depression, quickened pulse, lowered blood pressure, and—in serious cases—convulsions and loss of consciousness. Chronic benzene poisoning is manifested by a change in the blood (destruction of bone marrow function), dizziness, general weakness, disturbance of sleep, and quick exhaustion; in women, the menstrual function is damaged. A reliable method of protection against poisoning by benzene vapors is good ventilation of manufacturing installations.
Treatment. Treatment of acute poisoning includes rest, heat, bromide preparations, and cardiovascular remedies; for chronic poisoning with pronounced anemia, treatment includes transfusion of the erythrocyte portion of the blood, vitamin B12, and iron preparations.


Omel’ianenko, L. M., and N. A. Senkevich. Klinika i profilaktika otravlenii benzolom. Moscow, 1957.
Professional’nye bolezni, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1964.


[′ben‚zēn] (organic chemistry) C6H6 A colorless, liquid, flammable, aromatic hydrocarbon that boils at 80.1°C and freezes at 5.4-5.5°C; used to manufacture styrene and phenol. Also known as benzol.


a colourless flammable toxic aromatic liquid used in the manufacture of styrene, phenol, etc., as a solvent for fats, resins, etc., and as an insecticide. Formula: C6H6



 [ben´zēn] a liquid hydrocarbon, C6H6, obtained mainly as a byproduct of the destructive distillation of coal, used as a solvent. It is irritant, toxic, and carcinogenic.benzene hexachloride (BHC) a chlorinated hydrocarbon; one isomer, gamma benzene hexachloride (lindane) is used as an insecticide, to kill lice.


(ben'zēn), Do not confuse this word with benzine.The basic six-carbon ring structure in most aromatic compounds; a highly toxic hydrocarbon from light coal tar oil; used as a solvent. Synonym(s): benzol, coal tar naphtha [benzoin, + -ene]


(bĕn′zēn′, bĕn-zēn′)n. A colorless, flammable, toxic, liquid aromatic hydrocarbon, C6H6, derived from petroleum and used in or to manufacture a wide variety of chemical products, including DDT, detergents, insecticides, and motor fuels. Also called benzol.


A volatile, flammable hydrocarbon by-product of destructive coal distillation, which is present in coal tar; it is the simplest aromatic compound. Benzene is an organic solvent, and is both toxic—in particular to mucocutaneous surfaces—and carcinogenic; chronic exposure to benzene is linked to bone marrow depression, aplastic anaemia, and acute myelogenous leukaemia, one-fourth of which are preceded by pancytopenia and/or peripheral neuropathies.


A colorless volatile flammable toxic liquid hydrocarbon used as a solvent and as a motor fuel.Mentioned in: Myelofibrosis


Related to benzene: Ethylbenzene, benzene poisoning
  • noun

Synonyms for benzene

noun a colorless liquid hydrocarbon


  • benzine
  • benzol

Related Words

  • aromatic hydrocarbon
  • benzene formula
  • benzene nucleus
  • benzene ring
  • Kekule formula




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