Vladimir Gerasimovich Magar
Magar, Vladimir Gerasimovich
Born June 22 (July 5), 1900, in the village of Kalnibolot, present-day Novoarkhangel’sk Raion, Kirovograd Oblast; died Aug. 11, 1965, in Zaporozh’e. Soviet Ukrainian actor and director. People’s Artist of the USSR (1960). Member of the CPSU from 1926.
Magar began his creative activity in 1925. He graduated from the Kiev Theatrical Institute (1934). From 1929 until his death he headed the N. Shchors Ukrainian Musical Drama Theater in Zaporozh’e (earlier the theater had been located in Zhitomir). Among the productions he directed were Ustim Karmaliuk by Sukhodol’skii (1937), The Destruction of the Squadron (1937; 1953) and Bogdan Khmel’nitskii (1939; 1954) by Korneichuk, Shchors by Dol’d-Mikhailik (1938; I960), and My Thoughts .. . by Kostiuk (1964). Magar also acted in the majority of his productions; among his roles were Bozhenko in Shchors, Gavrilo in Bogdan Khmernitskii, Rybakov in The Kremlin Chimes by Pogodin, and Illarion Groza in A Page From a Diary by Korneichuk. Magar headed the studio of the N. Shchors Theater. He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and a number of medals.