Merkel cell tumor

Mer·kel cell tu·mor

(mĕr'kĕl), a rare malignant cutaneous tumor seen in sun-exposed skin of elderly patients composed of dermal nodules of small round cells with scanty cytoplasm in a trabecular pattern; the tumor cells contain cytoplasmic dense core granules resembling neurosecretory granules seen in Merkel cells. Synonym(s): primary neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin, trabecular carcinoma


Friedrich Sigmund, German anatomist and physiologist, 1845-1919. Merkel cell tumor - a rare malignant cutaneous tumor. Synonym(s): primary neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin; trabecular carcinomaMerkel corpuscle - a specialized tactile sensory nerve ending in the epidermis. Synonym(s): Merkel tactile cell; Merkel tactile disk; tactile meniscusMerkel tactile cell - Synonym(s): Merkel corpuscleMerkel tactile disk - Synonym(s): Merkel corpuscle