Acronym | Definition |
PTK➣Phi Theta Kappa |
PTK➣Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan (Malay: Competency Assessment Level) |
PTK➣Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego (Polish Cardiac Society) |
PTK➣Permission to Kill (gaming) |
PTK➣Protein Tyrosine Kinase (insulin receptor) |
PTK➣Portable Tool Kit |
PTK➣Phototherapeutic Keratectomy |
PTK➣Parents, Teachers and Kids |
PTK➣Polska Telefonia Komorkowa (Polish cellular telephony provider) |
PTK➣Praise the King |
PTK➣Pairwise Transient Key |
PTK➣Posta dhe Telekomi i Kosoves (Albanian: Post and Telekom Enterprise of Kosovo) |
PTK➣Post and Telecommunications of Kosovo (Kosovo, Serbia) |
PTK➣Performance Tool Kit |
PTK➣Polgari Törvény Könyv (Civil Code of Hungary) |
PTK➣Professional, Technical, and Kindred Workers (migration studies) |
PTK➣Pontiac, Michigan - Oakland County International (airport code) |