Li Kung-Tso
Li Kung-Tso
Born 770; died 850. Chinese prose writer during the period of the T’ang dynasty (seventh to tenth centuries).
Four of Li Kung-tso’s short stories have been preserved, including ’The Governor of Nan-ko,” where fantasy is combined with satiric exposure of the preoccupation with titles. The heroism of a simple woman who was capable of taking revenge on the murderers of her father and husband is glorified in “The Story of Hsieh Hsiao-nqo.” In his creative work Li Kung-tso protested against the feudal aristocracy and the enslavement of women by the Confucian domostroi system.
In Russian translation:In Tanskie novelly. Moscow, 1960.
In Guliaka i volshebnik Moscow, 1970.
Literatura Vostoka v Srednie veka, vol. 1. Moscow, 1970.Liu K’ai-jung. T’angtai hsiaoushuo yenchiu. Shanghai, 1955.
Chungkuo hsiaoushuo shih kao. Peking, 1960.