Lachman test

Lach·man test

(lok'man), a maneuver to detect deficiency of the anterior cruciate ligament; with the knee flexed 20-30°, the tibia is displaced anteriorly relative to the femur; a soft endpoint or greater than 4 mm of displacement is positive (abnormal).

Lachman test

Sports medicine A clinical maneuver used to determine the effects of anterior shear loads applied to the knee at 30º flexion; the LT is preferred to the anterior drawer test for evaluating the integrity of the anterior cruciate ligament. See Anterior drawer test.

Lach·man test

(lak'măn test) A maneuver to detect deficiency of the anterior cruciate ligament; with the knee flexed 20-30 degrees, the tibia is displaced anteriorly relative to the femur; a soft endpoint of greater than 4 mm displacement is positive (i.e., abnormal).
LACHMAN TEST: Biomechanics of the Lachman test for anterior cruciate laxity

Lachman test

(lok″măn) [John Lachman, contemporary U.S. orthopedic surgeon] A test evaluate the integrity of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee. The examiner stands on the side being examined and grasps the tibia at the level of the tibial tubercle while stabilizing the femur with the other hand. The patient relaxes the leg while the examiner holds the knee flexed at 25° to 30° and pulls forward on the tibia while stabilizing the femur. Excessive motion relative to the opposite knee or no discernible end point determine a positive result. See: illustration