Acronym | Definition |
BBL➣Barrel |
BBL➣Be Back Later |
BBL➣Bible |
BBL➣Big Bash League (cricket competition; Australia) |
BBL➣Basketball Bundesliga (German basketball league) |
BBL➣Bats (SIL code, Georgia) |
BBL➣Bangsamoro Basic Law (Philippines) |
BBL➣Billion Barrels |
BBL➣Brain Based Learning (education) |
BBL➣British Basketball League |
BBL➣Brown Bag Lunch |
BBL➣Banque Bruxelles Lambert (Belgian Bank) |
BBL➣Blue Barrel (42-gallon oil barrels) |
BBL➣Broad Band Light Therapy (skin treatment) |
BBL➣Bulletin Board Listener |
BBL➣Bulletin Board Liason |
BBL➣Bibliographic Reference |
BBL➣Basic Business Language |
BBL➣Bird Banding Laboratory (Maryland) |
BBL➣Beko Basketball Bundesliga (German: Beko Basketball League) |
BBL➣Bank Brussels Lambert |
BBL➣Bond Beter Leefmilieu (Dutch: Bond Better Environment; est. 1971; Belgium) |
BBL➣Black Bear Lake (Clarksburg, NJ day camp) |
BBL➣BBL Transport (not an acronym; formerly Balkans Bosphore Logistique; France) |
BBL➣Big Belly Laugh |
BBL➣Beroeps Begeleidende Leerweg (Dutch: Professional Support Pathway) |
BBL➣Blocked Bidder List (eBay) |
BBL➣Black Body Locus (Planckian) |
BBL➣Bachelor of Business Laws (college degree) |
BBL➣Brampton Brick Limited (Canada) |
BBL➣Belly Button Lint |
BBL➣Béjart Ballet Lausanne (Swiss dance troupe) |
BBL➣Balgzand Bacton Line (Groningen, The Netherlands) |
BBL➣Bendigo Bank Ltd. (Australia) |
BBL➣Baltic Basketball League |
BBL➣Bundesamtes für Bauten und Logistik (German: federal office for buildings and logistics, Switzerland) |
BBL➣Brain Behavior Laboratory (various locations) |
BBL➣Basic Business Line |
BBL➣Borough, Block, Lot (real estate; New York) |
BBL➣Baden-Baden-Linie (German railway) |
BBL➣Buys-Ballot Laboratorium (Netherlands) |
BBL➣Blasland, Bouck, and Lee, Inc. (environmental consulting firm) |
BBL➣Bodø Boligbyggelag (Norwegian: Bodø Housing; Norwegian Housing Association; est. 1946) |
BBL➣British Bridge League |
BBL➣Bye-Bye, Love |
BBL➣Budget Bill Language |
BBL➣Bangkok Bank, Limited (Thailand) |
BBL➣Bush Blue Lake (bean species) |
BBL➣Bitstream Binding Language (computer programming) |
BBL➣Biobehavioral Laboratory (UNC, Chapel Hill, NC) |
BBL➣Bay Bioanalytical Laboratory, Inc. |
BBL➣Bye Bye, Later |
BBL➣Brisbane Bus Lines (Australia) |
BBL➣Big Beautiful Lady |
BBL➣Brain Behaviour Lab (Canada) |
BBL➣Better Business League |
BBL➣BobBillLarry (message board moderator) |
BBL➣Beep Baseball League |
BBL➣Backbone Leg |
BBL➣Basket-Ball Louvignéen (French basketball club) |
BBL➣Bradford Bachinski Limited |
BBL➣Be a Bump on a Log |