

单词 bbl



An abbreviation for "be back later," a casual valediction. OK, I have to go to this meeting now. BBL.


in. be back later. (Used in electronic mail and computer forum or news group messages. Not pronounced aloud.) Bye. BBL.



(design engineering) barrel


1. A weight measure for portland cement in the US, corresponding to 376 pounds net; this measure is now obsolete. 2. (US) A vessel which holds 311/2 gal of liquid. 3. That portion of a pipe having a constant bore and wall thickness.


(chat)(I will) be back later.


"Be back later." See digispeak.


BBLBe Back Later
BBLBig Bash League (cricket competition; Australia)
BBLBasketball Bundesliga (German basketball league)
BBLBats (SIL code, Georgia)
BBLBangsamoro Basic Law (Philippines)
BBLBillion Barrels
BBLBrain Based Learning (education)
BBLBritish Basketball League
BBLBrown Bag Lunch
BBLBanque Bruxelles Lambert (Belgian Bank)
BBLBlue Barrel (42-gallon oil barrels)
BBLBroad Band Light Therapy (skin treatment)
BBLBulletin Board Listener
BBLBulletin Board Liason
BBLBibliographic Reference
BBLBasic Business Language
BBLBird Banding Laboratory (Maryland)
BBLBeko Basketball Bundesliga (German: Beko Basketball League)
BBLBank Brussels Lambert
BBLBond Beter Leefmilieu (Dutch: Bond Better Environment; est. 1971; Belgium)
BBLBlack Bear Lake (Clarksburg, NJ day camp)
BBLBBL Transport (not an acronym; formerly Balkans Bosphore Logistique; France)
BBLBig Belly Laugh
BBLBeroeps Begeleidende Leerweg (Dutch: Professional Support Pathway)
BBLBlocked Bidder List (eBay)
BBLBlack Body Locus (Planckian)
BBLBachelor of Business Laws (college degree)
BBLBrampton Brick Limited (Canada)
BBLBelly Button Lint
BBLBéjart Ballet Lausanne (Swiss dance troupe)
BBLBalgzand Bacton Line (Groningen, The Netherlands)
BBLBendigo Bank Ltd. (Australia)
BBLBaltic Basketball League
BBLBundesamtes für Bauten und Logistik (German: federal office for buildings and logistics, Switzerland)
BBLBrain Behavior Laboratory (various locations)
BBLBasic Business Line
BBLBorough, Block, Lot (real estate; New York)
BBLBaden-Baden-Linie (German railway)
BBLBuys-Ballot Laboratorium (Netherlands)
BBLBlasland, Bouck, and Lee, Inc. (environmental consulting firm)
BBLBodø Boligbyggelag (Norwegian: Bodø Housing; Norwegian Housing Association; est. 1946)
BBLBritish Bridge League
BBLBye-Bye, Love
BBLBudget Bill Language
BBLBangkok Bank, Limited (Thailand)
BBLBush Blue Lake (bean species)
BBLBitstream Binding Language (computer programming)
BBLBiobehavioral Laboratory (UNC, Chapel Hill, NC)
BBLBay Bioanalytical Laboratory, Inc.
BBLBye Bye, Later
BBLBrisbane Bus Lines (Australia)
BBLBig Beautiful Lady
BBLBrain Behaviour Lab (Canada)
BBLBetter Business League
BBLBobBillLarry (message board moderator)
BBLBeep Baseball League
BBLBackbone Leg
BBLBasket-Ball Louvignéen (French basketball club)
BBLBradford Bachinski Limited
BBLBe a Bump on a Log


  • noun

Synonyms for bbl

noun any of various units of capacity


  • barrel

Related Words

  • United States liquid unit
  • British capacity unit
  • Imperial capacity unit
  • gal
  • gallon
  • congius
  • Imperial gallon
  • hogshead




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