释义 |
labyrinthus (lab-ă-rin -thŭs) (plural: labyrinthi) a system of intersecting narrow depressions. The word is used in the approved name of such a surface feature on a planet or satellite.labyrinthus
con·vo·lut·ed part of kid·ney lob·uleproximal and distal convoluted tubules and the associated renal corpuscles supplied by branches of the interlobular arteries. Synonym(s): labyrinthus, Ludwig labyrinth, pars convoluta lobuli corticalis renis, renal labyrinthlabyrinthus (1) Convoluted part of renal lobule; pars convolutalobuli corticalis renalis [NA]. (2) Labyrinth.labyrinthus (lab″ĭ-rin′thŭs) [L. labyrinthus, fr Gr. labyrinthos, maze, labyrinth] A labyrinth. |