

suffix forming nouns a person or thing that is inferior or bears only a poor resemblance to what is specified: poetaster. [from Latin: suffix indicating imperfect resemblance]


(ˈæs tər)

n. 1. any composite plant of the genus Aster, having rays varying from white or pink to blue around a yellow disk. 2. a plant of some allied genus, as the China aster. 3. a structure formed in a cell during mitosis, composed of astral rays radiating about the centrosome. [1595–1605; < Latin < Greek astḗr star]


, a suffix used to form nouns denoting something that imperfectly resembles or mimics the true thing: criticaster; poetaster. [< Latin]


, a combining form with the meaning “star”: cotoneaster.[< Greek astḗr star; compare astro-]