Odessa Polytechnic Institute
Odessa Polytechnic Institute
an institute founded in 1918; became an industrial institute in 1933 and a polytechnic institute in 1944. Among those who worked at the institute in the 1920’sand 1930’swereL. I. Mandel’shtam, N. D. Papaleksi, I. E. Tamm, and G. K. Boreskov.
As of 1974 the institute had departments of mechanical engineering, machine building, thermal power engineering, industrial power engineering, chemical engineering, radio engineering, automation and computer technology, engineering economics, electromechanics, evening studies, correspondence studies, and general technology. It also had a preparatory division and a graduate school, 54 subdepartments, two special-problems laboratories, and four sectorial laboratories. The library had about 1 million volumes.
During the 1972–73 academic year, 10,000 students were enrolled at the institute, and the teaching staff numbered 650, including 26 professors and doctors of sciences and 265 docents and candidates of sciences. The institute confers candidates’ and doctoral degrees. It publishes the republic interdepartmental scientific and technical collections Detail mashin (Machine Parts; since 1965), Elektromashinostroenie i elektrooborudovanie (Electric Machine Building and Electrical Equipment; since 1965), and Akustika i ul’trazvukovaia tekhnika (Acoustics and Ultrasonic Technology; since 1966). Since its founding it has trained about 23,000 engineers. It was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1971.