Acronym | Definition |
GTM➣Google Tag Manager (software) |
GTM➣Guatemala (ISO Country code) |
GTM➣Global Traffic Manager (trademark of F5 Networks, Inc.) |
GTM➣Get the Money (song) |
GTM➣Game Trade Magazine |
GTM➣Guana Tolomato Matanzas (National Estuarine Research Reserve; Florida) |
GTM➣Gran Telescopio Milimetrico (Spanish: Large Millimeter Telescope; US and Mexico) |
GTM➣Go-To-Market |
GTM➣Grounded Theory Method |
GTM➣Go to Market |
GTM➣Global Traffic Manager |
GTM➣Go to Meeting |
GTM➣Grand Touring Mini |
GTM➣Go to Meeting (cyberspace meeting) |
GTM➣Global Test Market (surveys) |
GTM➣Global Transportation Management (US DoD) |
GTM➣Generative Topographic Mapping |
GTM➣Gas Target Model (EU) |
GTM➣GoToMeeting (software; Citrix Online, LLC) |
GTM➣Grands Travaux de Marseille (French public works company; Marseille, France) |
GTM➣Global Telecommunications Meeting |
GTM➣Good to Me |
GTM➣Grampian Transport Museum (UK) |
GTM➣Ground Team Member |
GTM➣Gross Trailer Mass (Australia, total legal weight of loaded trailer) |
GTM➣Government Technical Monitor |
GTM➣Global Travel Management |
GTM➣Garfield the Movie |
GTM➣Great Tibetan Marathon (India) |
GTM➣Green Travel Market (EU online tourism service) |
GTM➣Grinning to Myself |
GTM➣Gay Themed Movie |
GTM➣Generic Transport Model |
GTM➣Ground Truth Model |
GTM➣Gas Transfer Membrane |
GTM➣Grid Topology Model |
GTM➣Game Theory and Management |
GTM➣Government Task Manager |
GTM➣Ground Test Missile |
GTM➣Ground Targeting Mode |
GTM➣Global Traffic Meeting |
GTM➣Giggling to Myself |
GTM➣Gas Turbine Module (Main Propulsion) |
GTM➣Gratuitous Touching Moment |
GTM➣Generator Temperature Monitor |
GTM➣Gross Trading Margin |
GTM➣Gross Tons Per Mile (railroad) |