minimum data set
minimum data set
EpidemiologyA list of names, definitions and sources of data items needed to support a specific purpose—e.g., public health surveillance or monitoring for appropriate care using a registry.
A set of key documents which enable a validation team in the Practice to Practice Plus transition to fully understand the organisation being assessed.
Trend data, assessment documentation, key strategies, policies developed since Practice, evidence demonstrating progress made towards Practice Plus, and supplementary information as required.
A paper or electronic form developed by the Royal College of Pathologists for reporting of anatomical site-specific cancers, on which the pathologist places all of the objective data gleaned from macroscopic and microscopic examination of the specimen, including tumour size, tumour extension, number of nodes involved by tumour, histologic type, degree of differentiation, etc.
See, Mental Health Minimum Data Set.
min·i·mum da·ta set
(MDS) (min'i-mŭm dā'tă set)See also: Nursing Minimum Data Set