hemostatic forceps

he·mo·stat·ic for·ceps

a forceps with a catch for locking the blades, used for seizing the end of a blood vessel to control hemorrhage.

hemostatic forceps

n. A forceps with a catch for locking the blades, used for seizing the end of a blood vessel to control hemorrhage.

he·mo·stat·ic for·ceps

(hē'mō-stat'ik fōr'seps) A forceps with a catch for locking the blades, used for seizing the end of a blood vessel to control hemorrhage.
Synonym(s): artery forceps, haemostatic forceps.

he·mo·stat·ic for·ceps

(hē'mō-stat'ik fōr'seps) A forceps with a catch for locking the blades, used for seizing the end of a blood vessel to control hemorrhage.
Synonym(s): artery forceps, haemostatic forceps.