

单词 mood



Grammatical mood refers to the way in which a verb is used to express certain meaning by the speaker or writer. In linguistics, moods are broken down into two main categories: realis moods (expressing what is real or true) and irrealis moods (expressing what is unreal, hypothetical, or untrue).
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a frame of mind; temper, humor, disposition, inclination: She’s not in the mood to go to a party.; a prevailing attitude: the mood of the voters
Not to be confused with:mooed – past tense of moo, the sound a cow makes

mood 1

M0409800 (mo͞od)n.1. A particular state of mind or emotion: news that put us in a good mood.2. A pervading impression of an observer: the somber mood of the painting.3. An instance or spell of sulking or angry behavior: A friend's visit lifted him out of his mood.4. Inclination; disposition: I'm in the mood for ice cream.
[Middle English mod, from Old English mōd, disposition; see mē- in Indo-European roots.]

mood 2

M0409800 (mo͞od) n. 1. Grammar a. A property of verbs in which the speaker's attitude toward the factuality or likelihood of the action or condition expressed. b. A category or set of verb forms or inflections used to indicate such an attitude. In English, the indicative mood is used to make factual statements, the subjunctive mood to indicate doubt or unlikelihood, and the imperative mood to express a command. 2. Logic The arrangement of statement types in a syllogism.
[Alteration of mode.]


(muːd) n1. a temporary state of mind or temper: a cheerful mood. 2. a sullen or gloomy state of mind, esp when temporary: she's in a mood. 3. a prevailing atmosphere or feeling4. in the mood in a favourable state of mind (for something or to do something)[Old English mōd mind, feeling; compare Old Norse mōthr grief, wrath]


(muːd) n1. (Grammar) grammar a category of the verb or verbal inflections that expresses semantic and grammatical differences, including such forms as the indicative, subjunctive, and imperative2. (Logic) logic one of the possible arrangements of the syllogism, classified solely by whether the component propositions are universal or particular and affirmative or negative. Compare figure18 Ancient name: mode [C16: from mood1, influenced in meaning by mode]



n. 1. a person's emotional state or outlook at a particular time. 2. a distinctive emotional quality or character: a festive mood. 3. a prevailing emotional tone or general attitude: the country's mood. 4. a frame of mind receptive, as to some activity: in the mood to see a movie. 5. a state of sullenness, gloom, or bad temper. [before 900; Middle English; Old English mōd mind, spirit, courage; c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon mōd, Old High German muot courage, spirit (German Mut), Old Norse mōthr anger, Gothic mōths anger, spirit]



n. 1. a category or set of categories of the verb serving typically to indicate the attitude of the speaker toward what is being said, as in expressing a fact, possibility, wish, or command, and indicated by inflection of the verb or by the use of syntactic devices, as modal auxiliaries: the indicative, imperative, and subjunctive moods. 2. mode 1 (def. 5b). [1525–35; alter. of mode1, by influence of mood1]


A category of a verb indicating a semantic or grammatical difference.
Noun1.mood - a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feelingmood - a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling; "whether he praised or cursed me depended on his temper at the time"; "he was in a bad humor"humour, temper, humorfeeling - the experiencing of affective and emotional states; "she had a feeling of euphoria"; "he had terrible feelings of guilt"; "I disliked him and the feeling was mutual"peeve - an annoyed or irritated moodsulk, sulkiness - a mood or display of sullen aloofness or withdrawal; "stayed home in a sulk"amiability, good humor, good humour, good temper - a cheerful and agreeable moodill humor, ill humour, distemper - an angry and disagreeable mood
2.mood - the prevailing psychological state; "the climate of opinion"; "the national mood had changed radically since the last election"climatecondition, status - a state at a particular time; "a condition (or state) of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations"
3.mood - verb inflections that express how the action or state is conceived by the speakermodality, modegrammatical relation - a linguistic relation established by grammarcommon mood, declarative, declarative mood, fact mood, indicative, indicative mood - a mood (grammatically unmarked) that represents the act or state as an objective factsubjunctive, subjunctive mood - a mood that represents an act or state (not as a fact but) as contingent or possibleoptative, optative mood - a mood (as in Greek or Sanskrit) that expresses a wish or hope; expressed in English by modal verbsimperative, imperative form, imperative mood, jussive mood - a mood that expresses an intention to influence the listener's behaviorinterrogative mood, interrogative - some linguists consider interrogative sentences to constitute a mood


noun1. state of mind, spirit, humour, temper, vein, tenor, disposition, frame of mind He was clearly in a good mood today.2. depression, sulk, bad temper, blues, dumps (informal), wax (informal, chiefly Brit.), melancholy, doldrums, the hump (Brit. informal), bate (Brit. slang), fit of pique, low spirits, the sulks, grumps (informal) She was obviously in a mood.3. atmosphere, feeling, feel, spirit, tone, climate, flavour, tenor, aura, ambience First set the mood with some music.in the mood inclined, willing, interested, minded, keen, eager, disposed towards, in the (right) frame of mind, favourable towards After all that activity we were in the mood for a good meal.


noun1. A temporary state of mind or feeling:frame of mind, humor, spirit (used in plural), temper, vein.2. A general impression produced by a predominant quality or characteristic:air, ambiance, atmosphere, aura, feel, feeling, smell, tone.3. A prevailing quality, as of thought, behavior, or attitude:climate, spirit, temper, tone.


(muːd) noun the state of a person's feelings, temper, mind etc at a particular time. What kind of mood is she in?; I'm in a bad mood today. 心情 心情ˈmoody adjective often bad-tempered. a moody child. 易怒的,喜怒無常的 易怒的,喜怒无常的 ˈmoodily adverb 易怒地,喜怒無常地 易怒地,喜怒无常地 ˈmoodiness noun 易怒,喜怒無常 喜怒无常




be in no mood for (something)

To be annoyed and unwilling to do or tolerate something. Please calm down—I'm in no mood for silliness today.See also: mood, no

be in the mood for (something)

To have a desire or craving for something or to do something. I don't know why, but I'm really in the mood for ice cream today. Dad's just not in the mood to go out to dinner tonight.See also: mood

in a bad mood

Cranky, unhappy, or surly. The boss is really in a bad mood today, so I'd steer clear of him if you don't want to get screamed at.See also: bad, mood

in a good mood

Feeling happy or pleasant. The boss is in a good mood today, so he might take news of the printing error well.See also: good, mood

in a mood

Cranky, unhappy, or surly. The boss is really in a mood today, so I'd steer clear of him if you don't want to get screamed at.See also: mood

in a/the mood to (do something)

Likely to or interested in doing something. I don't think the boss is in the mood to talk about raises today—maybe tomorrow.See also: mood

in the mood

1. Interested in something I don't know why, but I'm really in the mood for ice cream today.2. Wanting to do something. Dad's just not in the mood to go out to dinner tonight.See also: mood

be in a bad mood

To be cranky, unhappy, or surly. The boss is really in a bad mood today, so I'd steer clear of him if you don't want to get screamed at.See also: bad, mood

get in a bad mood

To become cranky, unhappy, or surly. The boss really got in a bad mood in that meeting, so I'd steer clear of him if you don't want to get screamed at.See also: bad, get, mood

put (someone) in a bad mood

To cause one to become cranky, unhappy, or surly. Based on the yelling I'm hearing coming from his office, the latest expense report has really put the boss in a bad mood.See also: bad, mood, put

in no mood to (do something)

Annoyed and unwilling to do or tolerate something. Please calm down—I'm in no mood to deal with silliness today.See also: mood, no

in no mood

Annoyed and unwilling to do or tolerate something. Please calm down—I'm in no mood to deal with silliness today. I'm in no mood, so if you're going to whine, take it to Dad.See also: mood, no

in the mood for (something)

Having a desire or craving for something or to do something. I don't know why, but I'm really in the mood for ice cream today. Dad's just not in the mood to go out to dinner tonight.See also: mood

*in a bad mood

sad; depressed; grouchy; with low spirits. (*Typically: be ~; get ~; put someone ~.) He's in a bad mood. He may yell at you. Please try to cheer me up. I'm in a bad mood.See also: bad, mood

in no mood to do something

not feeling like doing something; not wishing to do something. I'm in no mood to cook dinner tonight. Mother is in no mood to put up with our arguing.See also: mood, no

in the mood (for something)

 and in the mood (to do something)having the proper state of mind for a particular situation or for doing something. I'm not in the mood to see a movie tonight. Are you in the mood for pizza?See also: mood

in a bad mood

In an irritable or depressed state of mind. For example, Dad's in a bad mood, so don't ask for anything right now. The antonym, in a good mood, refers to a cheerful, well-disposed state of mind, as in When the boss is in a good mood our whole day goes well. The phrase in a mood, meaning "disposed" or "inclined," dates from about a.d. 1000. Also see in the mood. See also: bad, mood

in the mood

Disposed or inclined toward something, as in I'm in the mood for a good long walk. This phrase is also put in the negative, I'm not in the mood to argue. [Late 1500s] See also: mood

be in the mood for something/for doing something


be in the mood to do something

have a strong desire to do something; feel like doing something: I’m in the mood for going out and having a good time.She said she wasn’t in the mood to dance.See also: mood, something

be in no mood for something/for doing something


be in no mood to do something

not want to do something; not feel like doing something: I’m in no mood for jokes — just tell me the truth.See also: mood, no, something



Grammatical mood refers to the way in which a verb is used to express certain meaning by the speaker or writer. In linguistics, moods are broken down into two main categories: realis moods (expressing what is real or true) and irrealis moods (expressing what is unreal, hypothetical, or untrue).
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in verb inflectioninflection,
in grammar. In many languages, words or parts of words are arranged in formally similar sets consisting of a root, or base, and various affixes. Thus walking, walks, walker have in common the root walk and the affixes -ing, -s, and -er.
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, the forms of a verb that indicate its manner of doing or being. In English the forms are called indicative (for direct statement or question or to express an uncertain condition, e.g., If they do not send it, we cannot go), imperative (for commands), and subjunctive (for sentences suggesting doubt, condition, or a situation contrary to fact, e.g., If I were king … , or He asked that it be done). The infinitive (nonpersonal, generalizing) is sometimes considered an example of mood, as are phrases formed with the auxiliaries may, might, can, and could (termed the potential mood); should and would (conditional); and must and ought (obligative). These names of moods are often used for similar categories in other languages, and many languages are far richer in analogous patterns than Romance languages; moods commonly found in other languages are narrative, quotative, mythical, desiderative, optative, and negative. In standard English the verb to be has special modal inflections.



the grammatical category of the verb that expresses the relationship of the content of an utterance to reality. The number of moods varies in different languages. The unmarked (not formally expressed by specific mood markers) mood, which signifies that a speaker regards an action or state as positive or negative and as real, is called the indicative.

The most noteworthy of the marked moods is the subjunctive, which is used to express the relationship of a denoted action or state to reality, and the feasibility or desirability of an action or state; in the subjunctive mood, denoted actions or states may be unreal, potential, conditional, or desirable. Moods used by a speaker to arouse some other participant in the speech situation to perform or refrain from an action include the imperative mood, the optative mood, and the prohibitive mood.

Mood may be expressed by special verb forms, affixes, prosodic means (stress or tone), and combinations with particles. In a number of languages, there is agreement according to mood.



in music, the quality of a mode that is determined by the kind of third—major or minor—that is formed between the first and third steps. There are two basic kinds of mood: major (having a major third as the interval between the first and third steps) and minor (minor third).

The mood of a mode is associated with a specific emotional character: the major mood gives the mode a bright coloring suitable for conveying a happy, cheerful condition; the minor, on the contrary, imparts to the mode a gloomy coloring and is used to convey a sad, melancholy feeling, a tragic spiritual state.

The distinction in moods pertains not only to the two basic modes of European music but also to a number of other diatonic and nondiatonic modes. For example, the Lydian and Mixolydian modes are modes of the major mood; modes of the minor mood include the Phrygian and the Dorian. Mood can be retained and remain dominant in the modern chromatic mode, with its typical mixing of different modal features.



a person’s general disposition toward life at a particular moment; his emotional state or the tendency of his spirits. In a person’s mood, his attitude toward life and his specific way of reconciling the life situation with his personal needs find their profoundest expression and realization in unique, “symptomatic” form.

Mood is a broad concept that extends from a person’s undifferentiated experience of a general life “tone” (”elated” or “depressed” disposition) to specifically expressed forms of response, such as boredom, sadness, sorrow, melancholy, fear, and despair or, on the contrary, enthusiasm, rejoicing, happiness, delight, hope, and cheerfulness. Seemingly acting as the general meaningful context of the entire emotional life and conscious activity of the individual, mood deeply penetrates and determines all of an individual’s actions and emotional experiences.

In spite of its importance, for example, in the psychopathology of the individual, mood has received little attention in contemporary psychology.


Rubinshtein, S. L. Osnovy obshchei psikhologii. Moscow, 1946.
Parygin, B. D. Obshchestvennoe nastroenie. Moscow, 1966.
Zeigarnik, B. V. Lichnost’ i patologiia deiatel’nosti. Moscow, 1971.
Scheler, M. Wesen und Formen der Sympathie, 3rd ed. Bonn, 1926.
Bollnow, O. F. Das Wesen der Stimmungen, 3rd ed. Bonn, 1956.



Logic one of the possible arrangements of the syllogism, classified solely by whether the component propositions are universal or particular and affirmative or negative



 [mo̳d] a pervasive and sustained emotion that, when extreme, can color one's whole view of life; in psychiatry and psychology the term is generally used to refer to either elation" >elation or depression" >depression. See also mood disorders.mood-congruent consistent with one's mood, a term used particularly in the classification of mood disorders" >mood disorders. In disorders with psychotic features, mood-congruent psychotic features are grandiose delusions or related hallucinations occurring in a manic episode or depressive delusions or related hallucinations in a major depressive episode, while mood-incongruent psychotic features are delusions or hallucinations that either contradict or are inconsistent with the prevailing emotions, such as delusions of persecution or of thought insertion in either a manic or a depressive episode.mood disorders mental disorders" >mental disorders whose essential feature is a disturbance of mood manifested by episodes of manic, hypomanic, or depressive symptoms, or some combination of these. The two major categories are bipolar disorders and depressive disorders.mood-incongruent not mood-congruent.


(mūd), The pervasive feeling, tone, and internal emotional state of a person that, when impaired, can markedly influence virtually all aspects of the person's behavior or his or her perception of external events.


(mo͞od)n. A state of mind or emotion.


A pervasive and sustained emotion which can markedly colour one’s perception of the world. Mood refers to a person’s pervasive and sustained emotional temperament; affect refers to the fluctuating changes in a person’s more immediate physio-emotional response(s). 
Examples, moods
Depression, elation, anger, anxiety.
Examples, affect
Dysphoric, elevated, euthymic, expansive, irritable.


Psychiatry A pervasive and sustained emotion that, in the extreme, markedly colors one's perception of the world Examples Depression, elation, anger. See Affect, Bad mood, Emotion, Good mood.


(mūd) The pervasive feeling, tone, and internal emotional state that, when impaired, can markedly influence virtually all aspects of a person's behavior or perception of external events.

Patient discussion about mood

Q. Major mood disorder! Hi guys! My topic is all about major mood disorder, bipolar 1 mixed with psychotic features and I would like to ask if I could get some information regarding with its introduction on international, national and local. Hope you all understood what I mean to ask.A. Methinks all these brain disorders have everything to do with a lack of copper. With all our modern technology and artificial fertilizers and processing of foods, the food has become so depleted of minerals that our bodies and brains have become so depleted that we cannot even function properly. Start taking kelp, calcium magnesium, cod liver oil, flax seed oil, and raw apple cider vinegar. This will bring healing and normal function to the brain and body systems. The emotions will calm down and be more manageable. If you are taking a vitamin with more manganese than copper it will add to the dysfunction. Don't waste your money. There you are! Some solutions rather than more rhetoric about the problem.

Q. Mood- disorder? What will happen to the people who refuse treatment? I know someone whose mother got diagnosed with "mood- disorder" and now this person says that she don't have it. But all her brothers and sisters have this, and are on medication. Is there a way to save our family heritage?A. well done, i will start to collect with the agreement of Iri possible causes for disorders (bipolar, mood, whatever you want to call it) to help people to recognize themselves. they all can start in the moment we are in the embryo. parental conflicts, aggressions, sexual behaviours, drugs, alcohol, smoking in abondance can affect us from this moment on.

Q. I think that bipolar is just a mood disorder. I think that bipolar is just a mood disorder. Do I?A. You are correct, according to the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) Bipolar Disorder is a Mood Disorder. Other conditions in this category are Anxiety Disorders--and of course--Unipolar Depression.

More discussions about mood


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MOODMETU (Middle East Technical University) Object-Oriented Database (Software Research and Development Center; Middle East Technical University; Turkey)
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Related to mood: Moodle
  • all
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for mood

noun state of mind


  • state of mind
  • spirit
  • humour
  • temper
  • vein
  • tenor
  • disposition
  • frame of mind

noun depression


  • depression
  • sulk
  • bad temper
  • blues
  • dumps
  • wax
  • melancholy
  • doldrums
  • the hump
  • bate
  • fit of pique
  • low spirits
  • the sulks
  • grumps

noun atmosphere


  • atmosphere
  • feeling
  • feel
  • spirit
  • tone
  • climate
  • flavour
  • tenor
  • aura
  • ambience

phrase in the mood


  • inclined
  • willing
  • interested
  • minded
  • keen
  • eager
  • disposed towards
  • in the (right) frame of mind
  • favourable towards

Synonyms for mood

noun a temporary state of mind or feeling


  • frame of mind
  • humor
  • spirit
  • temper
  • vein

noun a general impression produced by a predominant quality or characteristic


  • air
  • ambiance
  • atmosphere
  • aura
  • feel
  • feeling
  • smell
  • tone

noun a prevailing quality, as of thought, behavior, or attitude


  • climate
  • spirit
  • temper
  • tone

Synonyms for mood

noun a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling


  • humour
  • temper
  • humor

Related Words

  • feeling
  • peeve
  • sulk
  • sulkiness
  • amiability
  • good humor
  • good humour
  • good temper
  • ill humor
  • ill humour
  • distemper

noun the prevailing psychological state


  • climate

Related Words

  • condition
  • status

noun verb inflections that express how the action or state is conceived by the speaker


  • modality
  • mode

Related Words

  • grammatical relation
  • common mood
  • declarative
  • declarative mood
  • fact mood
  • indicative
  • indicative mood
  • subjunctive
  • subjunctive mood
  • optative
  • optative mood
  • imperative
  • imperative form
  • imperative mood
  • jussive mood
  • interrogative mood
  • interrogative




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