

单词 lsd



L0275900 (ĕl′ĕs-dē′)n. A crystalline compound, C20H25N3O, derived from lysergic acid and used as a powerful hallucinogenic drug. Also called acid.
[l(y)s(ergic acid) d(iethylamide).]


abbr. least significant digit


n (Recreational Drugs) lysergic acid diethylamide; a crystalline compound prepared from lysergic acid, used in experimental medicine and taken illegally as a hallucinogenic drug. Informal name (as an illegal hallucinogen): acid


n. lysergic acid diethylamide: a crystalline solid, C20H25N3O, the diethyl amide of lysergic acid, a powerful psychedelic drug that produces temporary hallucinations and a psychotic state.


1. least significant digit. 2. pounds, shillings, and pence. [< Latin librae, solidī, dēnāriī]
Noun1.LSD - a powerful hallucinogenic drug manufactured from lysergic acidlysergic acid diethylamideback breaker, battery-acid, Elvis, loony toons, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, window pane, acid, superman, Zen, pane, dose, dot - street name for lysergic acid diethylamidecontrolled substance - a drug or chemical substance whose possession and use are controlled by lawdrug of abuse, street drug - a drug that is taken for nonmedicinal reasons (usually for mind-altering effects); drug abuse can lead to physical and mental damage and (with some substances) dependence and addictionhallucinogen, hallucinogenic drug, psychedelic drug, psychodelic drug - a psychoactive drug that induces hallucinations or altered sensory experiences



An initialism of "lysergic acid diethylamide," commonly referred to simply as "acid," a hallucinogenic drug that alters one's thoughts or emotions or causes one to see or hear things that are not real. Somebody spiked his drink with LSD, and he spent the rest of the night tripping out in the corner of the room. One time, I took so much LSD that I hallucinated an entire conversation with a friend who wasn't even in the same room with me.


n. lysergic acid diethylamide, a hallucinogenic drug. (Initialism. Drugs. A mainstay of the 1960s and 1970s drug culture.) LSD isn’t the problem it used to be, but it’s far from gone.




lysergic acid diethylamide

(lī'sûr`jĭk, dī'ĕth`ələmĭd, dī'ĕthəlăm`ĭd), alkaloid synthesized from lysergic acid, which is found in the fungus ergotergot
, disease of rye and other cereals caused by the fungus Claviceps purpurea. The cottony, matlike body, or mycelium, of the fungus develops in the ovaries of the host plant; it eventually turns into a hard pink or purple body, the sclerotium, or ergot, that resembles
..... Click the link for more information.
 (Claviceps purpurea). It is a hallucinogenic drughallucinogenic drug
, any of a group of substances that alter consciousness; also called psychotomimetic (i.e., mimicking psychosis), mind-expanding, or psychedelic drug.
..... Click the link for more information.
 that intensifies sense perceptions and produces hallucinations, mood changes, and changes in the sense of time. It also can cause restlessness, acute anxiety, and, occasionally, depression. Although lysergic acid itself is without hallucinogenic effects, lysergic acid diethylamide, one of the most powerful drugs known, is weight for weight 5,000 times as potent as the hallucinogenic drug mescaline and 200 times as potent as psilocybin. LSD is usually taken orally from little squares of blotter paper, gelatin "windowpanes," or tiny tablets called microdots. The period of its effects, or "trip," is usually 8 to 12 hours. Unexpected reappearances of the hallucinations, called "flashbacks," can occur months after taking the drug. The drug does not appear to cause psychological or physical dependence. The danger of LSD is that its effects are unpredictable, even in experienced users.


LSD was developed in 1938 by Arthur Stoll and Albert Hofmann, Swiss chemists hoping to create a headache cure. In 1943 Hofmann accidentally ingested some of the drug and discovered its hallucinogenic effect. In the 1960s and 70s it was used by millions of young people in America; its popularity waned as its reputation for bad trips and resulting accidents and suicides became known. In 1967, the federal government classified it as a Schedule I drug, i.e., having a high abuse potential and no accepted medical use, along with heroinheroin
, opiate drug synthesized from morphine (see narcotic). Originally produced in 1874, it was thought to be not only nonaddictive but useful as a cure for respiratory illness and morphine addiction, and capable of relieving morphine withdrawal symptoms.
..... Click the link for more information.
 and marijuanamarijuana
or marihuana,
drug obtained from the flowering tops, stems, and leaves of the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa (see hemp) or C. indica; the latter species can withstand colder climates.
..... Click the link for more information.
. In the early 1990s it again became popular, presumably because of its low cost. It is produced in clandestine laboratories.


See publications of the Drugs & Crime Data Center and Clearinghouse, the Bureau of Justice Statistics Clearinghouse, and the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information.


(naval architecture) dock landing ship (organic chemistry) lysergic acid diethylamide


lysergic acid diethylamide; a crystalline compound prepared from lysergic acid, used in experimental medicine and taken illegally as a hallucinogenic drug



 lysergic acid diethylamide, a hallucinogen derived from lysergic acid, a constituent of ergot alkaloids. It has consciousness-expanding effects and is capable of producing a state of mind in which there are hallucinations (false sense perceptions). Called also lysergide. The perceptual changes brought about by LSD in normal persons are extremely variable and depend on factors such as age, personality, education, physical make-up, and state of health. The danger of the drug lies in the fact that it loosens control over impulsive behavior and may lead to a full-blown psychosis or less serious mental disorder in persons with latent mental illness. See also drug abuse.


Abbreviation for lysergic acid diethylamide.


(ĕl′ĕs-dē′)n. A crystalline compound, C20H25N3O, derived from lysergic acid and used as a powerful hallucinogenic drug. Also called acid.
A synthetic indole amine with hallucinogenic activity derived from ergot alkaloids, which produces mood elevations, sensory distortion, panic attacks, flashbacks
Route Oral
Dose LSD is 3,000–5,000-fold more potent that mescaline; in adults, 100–150 µg is enough for a ‘trip’
Diagnosis Physical exam
Laboratory diagnosis GC-MS (quantitative), HPLC, RIA (qualitative), TLC
Specimen Random urine


d-Lysergic acid diethylamide A synthetic indole amine with hallucinogenic activity derived from ergot alkaloids, which produces mood elevations, sensory distortion, panic attacks, flashbacks Route Oral Dose LSD is 3000– to 5000-fold more potent that mescaline; in adults, 100-150 µg is enough for a 'trip' Clinical-psychomimetic effects Spatial and temporal distortion–hallucinogenic, illusions, animation, hyperacusis and background amplification, distortion of body image, sensory hallucinations with hearing of smells and sights, smelling of images and sounds, seeing smells and sounds, etc Sympathetic & parasympathetic effects Dilated pupils, ↑ heart rate, ↑ temperature, ↑ salivation, ↑ lacrimation, ↑ sweating, N&V, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, dry mouth, tremors Diagnosis Physical exam, laboratory methods: GC-MS–quantitative, HPLC, RIA–qualitative, TLC Adverse effects Bad trips with fear of insanity, depersonalization, panic attacks, flashbacks, which may occur 5-10 x/day, up to 18 months after last use of LSD. See Designer drugs, Hallucinogens, 'Ice. '.


Abbrev. for lysergic acid diethylamide, a hallucinogenic drug derived from lysergic acid, once used in psychiatric research and treatment but now largely confined to illicit use. The drug is a powerful SEROTONIN antagonist and can induce a psychotic state with PARANOID delusions that can last for months.

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide)

an hallucinogenic drug prepared from lysergic acid.


Abbreviation for lysergic acid diethylamide.


LSDd-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (psychedelic drug)
LSDLeast Significant Difference (statistics)
LSDLimited Slip Differential (drive axels on cross country vehicles)
LSDLimited Slip Differential
LSDLabrinth Sia Diplo (band)
LSDLucy in the Sky with Diamonds (Beatles song)
LSDLighting Systems Division (National Electrical Manufacturers Association)
LSDLarge-Scale Distributed (computer systems)
LSDLa Sonora Dinamita (Spanish: The Sonora Dynamite; music group)
LSDLake Shore Drive
LSDLove Sensuality Devotion (Enigma album)
LSDLife Span Development (psychology)
LSDLow Single Digit (finance)
LSDLeague for Spiritual Discovery (est. 1966)
LSDLeafy Sea Dragon (marine fish)
LSDLipid Storage Disorder (metabolic disorder)
LSDLong Slow Distance (fitness training)
LSDLarge-Scale Deletion (bioscience)
LSDLinear Slot Diffuser (various companies)
LSDLand Systems Division (various locations)
LSDLamborghini Style Doors
LSDLow Speed Data Channel
LSDLimit States Design (engineering)
LSDLow Sulfur Diesel (fuel)
LSDLaw Student Division (American Bar Association)
LSDLondonderry School District (New Hampshire)
LSDLaw School Discussion (forum)
LSDLanding Ship, Dock (aka Dock Landing Ship)
LSDLietuvos Standartizacijos Departamentas (Lithuanian Standards Board)
LSDLast Stage of Delirium (Polish web security group)
LSDLeast Significant Digit
LSDFisher's Least Significant Difference (statistics; analysis)
LSDLands and Survey Department (various locations)
LSDLow Self Discharge (battery chemistry)
LSDLove's Secret Domain (album by band Coil)
LSDLysosomal Storage Disease
LSDLocal Spin Density
LSDLakeshore Drive
LSDLouisiana School for the Deaf
LSDLimited Sight Distance (band)
LSDLumpy Skin Disease
LSDLegal Surveys Division (Canada)
LSDLatin Square Design (statistics)
LSDLean Software Development (efficiency in software development)
LSDLife Sciences Division
LSDLast Ship Date
LSDPounds, Shillings and Pence (UK slang for currency)
LSDLicensing Services Division (various locations)
LSDLyserg Saeure Diaethylamid (German)
LSDLife Science Dictionary
LSDLiquid Sound Design
LSDLarge-Screen Display
LSDLansing School District (Michigan)
LSDLearning Support Department
LSDLow Speed Data (videoconferencing data channel)
LSDLife, Sex, and Death (band)
LSDLead Singer Disease (when a singer leaves a band to go solo due to ego)
LSDLight Shaping Diffuser
LSDLabor Saving Device
LSDLove Spirals Downward (band)
LSDLamborghini Style Doors (automobile design)
LSDLibrae Solidi Denarii (Pounds Shillings Pence) UK & Ireland
LSDLieber Saufend Daddeln (German gaming clan)
LSDLaboratory for Simulation Development
LSDLove Sex & Dating
LSDLysine-Specific Demethylase (biology)
LSDLysergic Acid Diethlamide
LSDLearning Strategies Database
LSDLegislative Services Division (Montana)
LSDLocation Service Daemon (Java EJB)
LSDLong Slow Death
LSDLow Side Driver (electrical engineering)
LSDLittle Snazzy Drummer
LSDLaser Supported Detonation (waves)
LSDLife Saving Device (song)
LSDLayton Service Desk (Tampa, FL)
LSDLashed Secured Dunnaged (shipping)
LSDLearning Sustainable Development (simulation game)
LSDLittle Spike Dudley (pro wrestler)
LSDLinacre School of Defence
LSDLocal Shut-Down
LSDLower Sunset District (San Francisco, CA)
LSDLower Slower Delaware
LSDLead System Designer
LSDLight Sensitive Diode
LSDLegal Services Developer
LSDLegal Self Defense
LSDList Sphere Decoding
LSDLexington School for the Deaf (Jackson Heights, New York)
LSDLone Star Draft (beer)
LSDLorenzo Saint Dubois (movie,The Producers)
LSDLoud Style Design
LSDLethbridge School District (California)
LSDLearn, Start, Do (Grand Theft Auto)
LSDLittérature Sémo-Définitionnelle (Italian)
LSDLegal Survey Description
LSDLeast Separation Distance
LSDLow Starch Diet
LSDLaboratory for System Dynamics and Signal Processing
LSDLogarithmic Standard Deviation
LSDLighting Sensitive Displays
LSDLittle Silly Dish (small consumer grade satellite receivers)
LSDLogistic Support Detachment
LSDList Server for Domino (email list program; Bright Ideas Software)
LSDLowland Search Dogs (UK)
LSDLine Signal Detect (equivalent to carrier detect on a DSU)
LSDLa Sourie Deglinguee (French rock band)
LSDLos Santos Delivery (gaming, GTA:San Andreas)
LSDLarge Scope Dissemination
LSDLiberal Studies Division
LSDLiberty Sanitation Department (Grand Theft Auto reference)
LSDLogic and Semantics for Dummies
LSDLouisiana Super Dome
LSDLucifer's Stained Dress (song)
LSDLocal Service Desk
LSDLogistics Support Directorate
LSDLand Surface, Depth From
LSDLocal Slope Data
LSDLoop Signaling Device
LSDLaser Spot Detector
LSDLulie St Dash
LSDLarge Size Dry
LSDLangley Swim and Dive
LSDLost Souls of Darkness (game)
LSDLifestyle and Social Discourse
LSDLove Stops Depression
LSDLymphatic System Disorder
LSDLunar Surface Drill
LSDLogistics Support Data/Document
LSDLashing, Stowage und Dunnage (German)
LSDLowest Significant Dose
LSDLive Status Display
LSDLiquid Scintillator/Scintillation Detector
LSDLucid Sun Divine (Mary Pranksters song)


  • noun

Synonyms for LSD

noun a powerful hallucinogenic drug manufactured from lysergic acid


  • lysergic acid diethylamide

Related Words

  • back breaker
  • battery-acid
  • Elvis
  • loony toons
  • Lucy in the sky with diamonds
  • window pane
  • acid
  • superman
  • Zen
  • pane
  • dose
  • dot
  • controlled substance
  • drug of abuse
  • street drug
  • hallucinogen
  • hallucinogenic drug
  • psychedelic drug
  • psychodelic drug




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