LRSLibrary Research Service
LRSLietuvos Respublikos Seimas (Lithuanian: Lithuanian Parliament)
LRSLese Rechtschreib Schwaeche (German: Reading Spelling Weakness)
LRSLawyer Referral Service (Ontario)
LRSLogistics Readiness Squadron (USAF)
LRSLong Range Surveillance
LRSLearning Record Store (data store)
LRSLaser Raman Spectroscopy (semiconductors)
LRSLow Resolution Spectra
LRSLanger Radstand
LRSLanguage Resource File
LRSLanguage Resource (File Name Extension)
LRSLittle Red Schoolhouse (various locations)
LRSLinear Referencing System (transportation engineering)
LRSLight Rail System (various locations)
LRSLinear Regression Slope (algorithm)
LRSLloyd's Register of Shipping
LRSLow Ratio Suspension (bicycles)
LRSLeader Replacement System (California Department of Health Care Services)
LRSLast Resort Service
LRSLactated Ringer's Solution
LRSLower Respiratory Symptom
LRSLicensing and Registration System (fishing regulation)
LRSLifetime Reproductive Success
LRSLaboratory for Reactor Physics and Systems Behaviour (Switzerland)
LRSLittle Red Spot (feature of Jupiter)
LRSLand Resource Science (University of Guelph; Canada)
LRSLearning Resource Services (libraries, media centers, computer centers)
LRSLong-Range Search
LRSLine Repeater Station
LRSLiquids-Rich Shale (energy production)
LRSLinear Recursive Sequence
LRSLeros, Greece - Leros (Airport Code)
LRSLaurinburg & Southern Railroad
LRSLady Raven Stables LLC (Spokane, WA horse ranch)
LRSLead Retrieval System (software)
LRSLockton Risk Services (insurance; Lockton Companies)
LRSLaser Rangefinding Scope (rifle)
LRSLunar Republic Society
LRSLittoral Remote Sensing
LRSLaunch and Recovery System
LRSLobbyists Registration System (Canada)
LRSLearner Response System (training course; Promethean Planet)
LRSLow-Resistivity Silicon
LRSLake Reporting Service
LRSLongest Repeating Sequence
LRSLaser Reflectance Spectrometer
LRSLaser Raman Scattering
LRSLaboratory for Reliable Software
LRSLeafy Reduced Stature (botany)
LRSLow Resolution Scenario
LRSLiterature Reviewing Service
LRSLatvijas Rakstnieku Savieniba (Writers' Union of Latvia)
LRSLink Reinforcement Set for MGB