Nemirov Congress of 1737
Nemirov Congress of 1737
peace negotiations held from August 16 to November 11 in the small Ukrainian town of Nemirov (now an urban-type settlement in Vinnitsa Oblast) between Russia and Austria on one side and Turkey on the other during a war between Russia and Turkey.
The Nemirov Congress was proposed by Turkey after Russia had won a number of victories and Austria had entered the war. During the negotiations the Russian delegation, headed by P. P. Shafirov, I. I. Nepliuev, and A. P. Volynskii, submitted a six-point program: annulment of all previous Russo-Turkish treaties and the conclusion of a new one; the transfer of the Kuban’, the Crimea, and the land between the mouths of the Don and the Danube to Russia; the proclamation of Moldavia and Walachia as independent principalities under Russian protection; freedom of navigation for Russian commercial vessels in the Black Sea; recognition of the imperial title of the Russian tsars; and conscientious fulfillment of the clauses of the Karlowitz Congress 1698–99 on the inviolability of the Rzecz Pospolita.
Austria, which feared the strengthening of Russia in the region of the Danube principalities and which had claims of its own to parts of Moldavia, Walachia, Serbia, and Bosnia, did not support the Russian demands. The Austro-Russian contradictions strengthened the position of the Turks, who were preparing an offensive in the Balkans. The Nemirov Congress broke up, and hostilities between Russia and Turkey resumed.