Acronym | Definition |
LFA➣Lupus Foundation of America |
LFA➣Lymphocyte Function Associated Antigen |
LFA➣Loop-Free Alternate |
LFA➣Love from Australia (footwear retailer) |
LFA➣London Festival of Architecture (London, England, UK) |
LFA➣Libraries for All (various organizations) |
LFA➣Local First Arizona (business coalition) |
LFA➣Legislative Fiscal Analyst (various locations) |
LFA➣Logical Framework Approach |
LFA➣Low Frequency Active |
LFA➣Learning First Alliance |
LFA➣Loop Fed Array (antenna) |
LFA➣Logical Framework Analysis |
LFA➣Less Favoured Area |
LFA➣Lake Forest Academy (Lake Forest, IL) |
LFA➣Lead Federal Agency |
LFA➣Lexus Future Advance (concept car) |
LFA➣Low Functioning Autism |
LFA➣Loving Female Authority |
LFA➣Local Feature Analysis |
LFA➣Local Franchising Authority |
LFA➣Lycée Franco-Allemand (French: Franco-German High School) |
LFA➣Liberia Football Association (est. 1936) |
LFA➣Low Frequency Amplifier |
LFA➣Long-chain Fatty Acid (usually seen as LCFA) |
LFA➣Left Forearm |
LFA➣Low Flying Aircraft |
LFA➣Link Field Address |
LFA➣Lymphoma Foundation of America |
LFA➣LaFrance Associates, LLC (San Francisco, CA) |
LFA➣Loss of Frame Alignment |
LFA➣Log File Analyzer |
LFA➣Laser Flash Apparatus (technique) |
LFA➣Lust for Armageddon |
LFA➣Literacy for All (various organizations) |
LFA➣Lazy Fat American |
LFA➣Lettable Floor Area |
LFA➣Large Frame Aircraft |
LFA➣Liquid Factor Ambient |
LFA➣Low Frequency Adjunct |
LFA➣Linear Filler Aseptic |
LFA➣Leave Fare Assistance (vacation bonus) |
LFA➣Ligallo de Fablans de l'Aragonés (Aragonese Speakers Union) |
LFA➣Lead-Free Ammunition |
LFA➣Leading Field Activity |
LFA➣Les Fous de l'Auto (French automobile club) |
LFA➣Late Flank Alarm |
LFA➣Lakeland Forage Association |