

单词 lfa



 left frontoanterior (position of the fetus).


Abbreviation for left frontoanterior position; lymphocyte function associated antigen; leukocyte-function-assisted antigen.


LFALupus Foundation of America
LFALymphocyte Function Associated Antigen
LFALoop-Free Alternate
LFALove from Australia (footwear retailer)
LFALondon Festival of Architecture (London, England, UK)
LFALibraries for All (various organizations)
LFALocal First Arizona (business coalition)
LFALegislative Fiscal Analyst (various locations)
LFALogical Framework Approach
LFALow Frequency Active
LFALearning First Alliance
LFALoop Fed Array (antenna)
LFALogical Framework Analysis
LFALess Favoured Area
LFALake Forest Academy (Lake Forest, IL)
LFALead Federal Agency
LFALexus Future Advance (concept car)
LFALow Functioning Autism
LFALoving Female Authority
LFALocal Feature Analysis
LFALocal Franchising Authority
LFALycée Franco-Allemand (French: Franco-German High School)
LFALiberia Football Association (est. 1936)
LFALow Frequency Amplifier
LFALong-chain Fatty Acid (usually seen as LCFA)
LFALeft Forearm
LFALow Flying Aircraft
LFALink Field Address
LFALymphoma Foundation of America
LFALaFrance Associates, LLC (San Francisco, CA)
LFALoss of Frame Alignment
LFALog File Analyzer
LFALaser Flash Apparatus (technique)
LFALust for Armageddon
LFALiteracy for All (various organizations)
LFALazy Fat American
LFALettable Floor Area
LFALarge Frame Aircraft
LFALiquid Factor Ambient
LFALow Frequency Adjunct
LFALinear Filler Aseptic
LFALeave Fare Assistance (vacation bonus)
LFALigallo de Fablans de l'Aragonés (Aragonese Speakers Union)
LFALead-Free Ammunition
LFALeading Field Activity
LFALes Fous de l'Auto (French automobile club)
LFALate Flank Alarm
LFALakeland Forage Association




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