

单词 civ



n. Informal. civilization. [by shortening]


1. civil. 2. civilian.


JUS AQUAEDUCTUS, CIV. law. The name of a servitude which Lives to the owner of land the right to bring down water through or from the land of another, either from its source or from any other place.
2. Its privilege may be limited as to the time when it may be exercised. If the source fails, the servitude ceases, but revives when the water returns. If the water rises in, or naturally flows through the land, its proprietor cannot by any grant divert it so as to prevent it flowing to the land below. 2 Roll. Ab. 140, l. 25; Lois des Bat. part. 1, c. 3, s. 1, art. 1. But if it had been brought. into his land by artificial means, it seems it would be, strictly his property, and that it would be in his power to grant it. Dig. 8, 3, 1 & 10; 3 Burge on the Confl. of Laws, 417. Vide Rain water.; River; Water-course.



GOST 7.67 Latin three-letter geocode for Cote d'Ivoire. The code is used for transactions to and from Ivorian bank accounts and for international shipping to Cote d'Ivoire. As with all GOST 7.67 codes, it is used primarily in Cyrillic alphabets.


CIVCote d'Ivoire (ISO Country code)
CIVCanine Influenza Virus (veterinary medicine)
CIVComité Interministériel des Villes (French: Interministerial Committee for Cities)
CIVCentre International de Valbonne
CIVCoastal Interceptor Vessel
CIVColegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela
CIVContinuous Intravenous Infusion
CIVCommander's Independent Viewer
CIVCombined Intermediate Valve
CIVSchedule IV Controlled Substance (USA)
CIVCritical Ionization Velocity
CIVCouncil for International Visitors
CIVCity Imperial Volunteers
CIVCorona Inception Voltage
CIVCollective Investment Vehicle (taxation)
CIVCustoms Import Value
CIVCertified Issue Voucher (various locations)
CIVContainment Isolation Valve
CIVChambre Immobilière du Valais (French: Valais Real Estate Board; Valais, Switzerland)
CIVCentre d'Information des Viandes (French: Meat Information Center)
CIVComposants Industriels Varay (French industrial parts company)
CIVChemical Injection Valve (subsea oil & gas)
CIVChaudronnerie Industrielle Vannetaise (French industrial boiler company)
CIVConstrucción, Infraestructura y Vivienda (Guatemala)




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