Meigs syndrome

Meigs syn·drome

(mĕgz), Avoid the incorrect forms Meig and Meig's.Fibromyoma or fibromalike tumor (thecoma or granlosa-cell tumor) of the ovary associated with hydroperitoneum and hydrothorax.

Meigs syndrome

A relatively common clinical association of ascites, pleural effusion (usually right-sided) and benign ovarian fibromas.

Meigs syn·drome

(mīgz sin'drōm) Fibromyoma of the ovary associated with hydroperitoneum and hydrothorax.

Meigs syndrome

An accumulation of fluid in the abdomen (ASCITES) or in the space between the lungs and the chest wall (PLEURAL EFFUSION) associated with a FIBROMA or other tumour of an ovary. The condition is being treated with BOTULINUM TOXIN. (Joe Vincent Meigs, 1892–1963, American gynaecologist).


Joseph Vincent, U.S. gynecologist, 1892-1963. Demons-Meigs syndrome - Synonym(s): Meigs syndromeMeigs-Cass syndrome - Synonym(s): Meigs syndromeMeigs curetteMeigs hemostatMeigs operationMeigs retractorMeigs-Salmon syndrome - Synonym(s): Meigs syndromeMeigs sutureMeigs syndrome - fibromyoma of the ovary associated with hydroperitoneum and hydrothorax. Synonym(s): Demons-Meigs syndrome; Meigs-Cass syndrome; Meigs-Salmon syndrome