

单词 cfl



abbr. compact fluorescent lamp


abbreviation for (Team Sports, other than specified) Canadian Football League
EncyclopediaSeefluorescent bulbMedicalSeecalcaneofibular ligament


CFLCanadian Football League
CFLCompact Fluorescent Lamp
CFLCentral Florida
CFLComité des Finances Locales (French: Local Finance Committee)
CFLCompact Fluorescent Light/bulb
CFLContinental Football League
CFLCrossing the Finish Line (various organizations)
CFLCenter for Ledelse (Danish: Center for Leadership)
CFLCathode Fluorescent Lamp
CFLCollege of Foreign Languages (various locations)
CFLCampaign for Liberty
CFLCenter for Limnology (University of Wisconsin)
CFLClaim for Loss
CFLCommon Feed List
CFLCorel Flowchart
CFLCollege Football Line (sports betting)
CFLCentral Federal Lands
CFLCollaborative Family Law
CFLCentral Freight Lines (Waco, TX)
CFLCommunity Foundation of Louisville (Louisville, KY)
CFLContext Free Language
CFLCircumpolar Flaw Lead
CFLChildren, Families and Learning
CFLCentral Forensic Laboratory (India)
CFLCall Failure (Signal)
CFLCourant-Friedrichs-Lewy (mathematics)
CFLCan't Find Love
CFLCalcaneofibular Ligament (physiology)
CFLCoaching for Leadership (various organizations)
CFLCentre de Foresterie des Laurentides (French: Laurentian Forestry Center; Canada)
CFLCenter for Literacy
CFLConnecticut for Lieberman
CFLCalifornia Federation of Labor
CFLChampions for Life
CFLCatholic Forensic League
CFLCoordinated Fire Line
CFLChrist for Life
CFLCleared Flight Level (air navigation)
CFLCoefficient de Frottement Longitudinal (French: Longitudinal Friction Coefficient; road adhesion indicator)
CFLChoppers for Life
CFLCeasefire Line
CFLChemin de Fer Luxembourgeois
CFLCalibrated Focal Length
CFLCanadian Federation of Labour
CFLChinese Forced Labor
CFLCadet Flight Leader
CFLClub Francais du Livre (French Book Club)
CFLSociété Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxemburgeois (Luxembourg National Railway Company)
CFLCapacitated Facility Location
CFLContingency Planning Facilities List (US DoD)
CFLCourant-Friedrich-Levy Condition (constraint on solving FDTD equations)
CFLCargo Force Limited (shipping; UK)
CFLConsolidated Fisheries Ltd
CFLCritical Field Length
CFLChinese Federation of Labor (Taiwan)
CFLCercle Félin du Languedoc (French cat club)
CFLCentre de Formation en Langues (French: Language Training Center; various universities)
CFLConfidential Frequency List (publication)
CFLCommission on Filipino Language
CFLCommunity Foundation of the Lowcountry (also seen as CFLC)
CFLCommand File Language
CFLCeylon Federation of Labor
CFLConsequence of Failure Level
CFLComputer Forensics Laboratory
CFLCommittee for a Free Latvia
CFLChristian Family Living/Life
CFLCommittee for a Free Lithuania
CFLCustomer Final Label (UK mailing bag label)
CFLClose Focus Lens
CFLCold Flush
CFLCustom Function Library
CFLConstant Feed Lubricator
CFLCommittee on Federal Laboratories
CFLCold Flow Laboratory
CFLCritical Functionality Loss
CFLCaptain/Colonel for Life (military slang for someone who is unlikely to be promoted)
CFLCommission Fédérale du Logement (French: Federal Housing Commission; Switzerland)




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