Acronym | Definition |
KOC➣Kuwait Oil Company |
KOC➣Keepsake Ornament Club (Hallmark) |
KOC➣Kings of Convenience (band) |
KOC➣Kingdom of Cambodia |
KOC➣Knights of Columbus |
KOC➣Kings of Chaos (gaming) |
KOC➣Knights of Chaos (est. 1999; gaming clan) |
KOC➣Kingdoms of Camelot (online gaming) |
KOC➣Knights of Cydonia (Muse song) |
KOC➣Kiss on the Cheek |
KOC➣Knights of Cygnus (gaming; MapleStory) |
KOC➣Kids of Cracatau (band) |
KOC➣Kuwait Olympic Committee |
KOC➣Kids of Courage (various organizations) |
KOC➣Organic Carbon Absorption (coefficient) |
KOC➣Kings of Crime (band) |
KOC➣Kosova Olympic Committee |
KOC➣Key Operational Capability |
KOC➣Kick Off Crew |
KOC➣Kick Off Call |