naloxone hydrochloride

nal·ox·one hy·dro·chlor·ide

(nal-ok'sōn hī'drō-klōr'īd), A synthetic congener of oxymorphone, a potent antagonist of both endorphins and narcotics. Used to treat opiate overdose to reverse coma and respiratory depression; included in formulations of pentazocine to reduce the risk of abuse.

nal·ox·one hy·dro·chlor·ide

(nal-ok'sōn hī'drŏ-klōr'īd) A synthetic congener of oxymorphone, a potent antagonist of both endorphins and narcotics. Used to treat opiate overdose to reverse coma and respiratory depression.

nal·ox·one hy·dro·chlor·ide

(nal-ok'sōn hī'drŏ-klōr'īd) Synthetic congener of oxymorphone, a potent antagonist of both endorphins and narcotics. Used to treat opiate overdose and to reverse coma and respiratory depression.