cry for help

cry for help

(krī help), Telephone calls, notes left in conspicuous places, and other behaviors that communicate extreme distress and possible suicidal ideation.
A popular expression for verbalizations—e.g., telephone call to crisis intervention hotlines—or actions—e.g., scars on wrists, notes left in conspicuous places—which indicate a state of extreme mental distress or anguish, and the potential for suicide

cry for help

Psychology A popular expression for verbalizations–eg telephone call to crisis intervention hotlines or actions—eg standing on outer ledge of tall building, notes left in conspicuous places, which indicate a state of extreme mental distress or anguish, and the potential for suicide. See Suicide.

cry for help

(krī help) Telephone calls, notes left in conspicuous places, and other behaviors that communicate extreme distress and possible consideration of suicide.

Patient discussion about cry for help

Q. Is there anyone out there that could help? I just wanna cry……. Hi Everyone...Thanks to Imedix . I am only 6 weeks pregnant and every day night is troublesome to me with horrible symptoms of shakiness, high heartbeat, sour stomach, tiredness, and a very extreme nausea. I can't sleep and my stomach feels punched by someone. Anyone else has experienced this? I have stopped the meds as that increases my irritation. I hate to eat at all! I can barely function....or talk without gagging. Is there anyone out there that could help? I just wanna cry…….A. Hey...I totally understand how you feel...I am on Zofran which has worked wonders for me except I had some constipation, not a bad compromise for this sickness. I'm able to function and eat and the food stays down. I'm 19 weeks now but in the beginning of my pregnancy I had a continuous abundance of saliva in my mouth and also an awful taste. Eating mint gum helped me tremendously. I no longer have the abundance of saliva but I still get that awful sour taste. I am having gingerale and also Gatorade, it helps me.

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