lesser occipital nerve

less·er oc·cip·i·tal nerve

[TA] arises from cervical plexus, conveying fibers from the ventral primary rami of the second and third cervical nerves; supplies the skin of the posterior surface of the auricle and the adjacent portion of the scalp posterior to the auricle. Synonym(s): nervus occipitalis minor [TA]

less·er oc·cip·i·tal nerve

(les'ĕr ok-sip'i-tăl nĕrv) [TA] Arises from cervical plexus, conveying fibers from ventral primary rami of second and third cervical nerves; supplies skin of posterior surface of auricle and adjacent portion of the scalp posterior to auricle.
Synonym(s): nervus occipitalis minor.

lesser occipital nerve

A sensory nerve composed of axons from spinal cord segments C2–C3. It innervates the skin over the back of the neck. See also: nerve