Mikhail Fedorovich Soimonov

Soimonov, Mikhail Fedorovich


Born May 15 (26), 1730, in Moscow; died Oct. 17 (29), 1804, in Serpukhov. Pioneer in the field of mining in Russia. First director (from 1773) of the Higher Mining School (today, the G. V. Plekhanov Institute of Mines).

As commander of the Berg-Kollegiia (Collegium of Mines) and the mint, posts he held simultaneously in the periods 1771–81 and 1796–1801, Soimonov enacted a number of important measures for the development of mining in Russia.


Gol’denberg, L. A. Mikhail Fedorovich Soimonov (1730–1804). Moscow, 1973.