neonatal lupus

ne·o·na·tal lu·pus

lupus erythematosus occurring in newborn children of mothers who had lupus during pregnancy; screens to measure anti-SSA antibodies usually should be undertaken; 50% have antinuclear antibodies. Various skin lesions are seen, which can resolve or leave scars; the syndrome usually resolves; however, cardiac manifestations can be fatal. Some children develop lupus erythematosus later in life.

neonatal lupus

Rash, abnormally low platelet counts, liver and brain disease, and congenital heart block occurring in an infant whose mother has systemic lupus erythematosus. The disease results from the passage of maternal autoantibodies to the developing fetus. Although most of the findings resolve spontaneously, congenital heart block does not, and it may require the insertion of a pacemaker. See also: lupus