Central European Race
Central European Race
one of the races that make up the great Europeoid race. With respect to pigmentation, the Central European race occupies an intermediate position between the northern and southern divisions of the Europeoid race (closer to the former). It is characterized by light skin, light brown hair, predominantly light eyes, average or above-average height, and brachycephaly. The Central European race is distributed in Central and Eastern Europe among the southern Germans, Austrians, Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, northern Ukrainians, southern Byelorussians, and Russians of the Central Zone and neighboring peoples.
Central European Race
a subdivision of the Europeoid, or Eurasian, race. Much of the population of Poland, Czechoslovakia, northern Yugoslavia, Austria, the southern areas of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, and eastern France (Alsace and Lorraine) belong to the Central European race, which is intermediate between the racial groups of the northern and southern Europeoids. Approximately 50 percent of the members of the Central European race have light hair and light eyes; other characteristic traits of this group are above-average height and brachycephaly. The Central European race was formed to a large extent by the mixing of various groups of Europeoids.