Acronym | Definition |
NOP➣Not Otherwise Provided (for) |
NOP➣Naval Operations |
NOP➣Natural Organic Products (USDA classification) |
NOP➣National Organic Program (USDA) |
NOP➣No Operation (computer processor instruction) |
NOP➣Notice of Preparation |
NOP➣Noordoostpolder (formerly Noord-Oostelijke Polder) |
NOP➣North Olympic Peninsula (Washington) |
NOP➣National Opinion Poll (UK) |
NOP➣Number of Payments (loans) |
NOP➣Naval Ordnance Plant (US Navy) |
NOP➣Naval Officer Procurement (US Navy) |
NOP➣Notification of Payment |
NOP➣Network Operations Plan |
NOP➣No Operation |
NOP➣No Problem |
NOP➣Natural Oil Polyol |
NOP➣Notice of Privacy |
NOP➣Number of Parameters |
NOP➣Notification of Pregnancy (Indiana Medicaid) |
NOP➣National Ocean Policy |
NOP➣New Orleans Paddlewheels (New Orleans, LA) |
NOP➣Nature, Origin, Purpose |
NOP➣Net Open Position |
NOP➣Not Our Problem |
NOP➣Normal Operating Procedures |
NOP➣Notice of Project (Ontario Ministry of Labour, Canada) |
NOP➣Nuclear Operations |
NOP➣Network Operations Plan (European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation) |
NOP➣Normal Operating Pressure |
NOP➣North Orbital Pole (astronomy) |
NOP➣Neighborhood Oriented Policing |
NOP➣Nozzle Opening Pressure (Diesel Injection Systems) |
NOP➣Net Operating Profits |
NOP➣Naval Oceanography Program |
NOP➣Non-Owner Participant (Alliance Contracting) |
NOP➣Noord-Oostelijke Polder (now Noordoostpolder) |
NOP➣Nuclear Ordnance Platoon (USMC) |
NOP➣Network Output Processor |
NOP➣Net Orders Processed |
NOP➣Purchases by Bureau of Naval Personnel (US Navy) |
NOP➣Nuclear Operating Plan |
NOP➣Nearly Office Puppy |
NOP➣Navy Objectives Plan |
NOP➣Not on Planogram (target) |
NOP➣Non-WIS (WFP Information System) Payment |
NOP➣Navigation Operating Procedure |
NOP➣Nobody On Patrol |
NOP➣Not Optimized Properly (programming) |
NOP➣Network of Power (gaming) |
NOP➣Number of Polymorphic Models |