
per·son·ate 1

P0210300 (pûr′sə-nāt′)tr.v. per·son·at·ed, per·son·at·ing, per·son·ates 1. To play the role or portray the part of (a character).2. To assume the character or appearance of, especially fraudulently; impersonate.
[Late Latin persōnāre, persōnāt-, to bear the character of, represent, from Latin persōna, person; see person.]
per′son·a′tion n.per′son·a′tive adj.per′son·a′tor n.

per·son·ate 2

P0210400 (pûr′sə-nĭt)adj. Botany Having two lips, with the throat closed by a prominent palate. Used of a corolla, such as that of the snapdragon.
[Latin persōnātus, masked, from persōna, mask; see person.]