

(lo͞os′lēf′)adj. Relating to, having, or being leaves that can be easily removed, rearranged, or replaced: a loose-leaf notebook; loose-leaf paper.


adj Also: loose-leafed (of a binder, album, etc) capable of being opened to allow removal and addition of pages n (Journalism & Publishing) a serial publication published in loose leaves and kept in such a binder


adj. 1. having individual leaves held in a binder (loose′-leaf` bind′er), as by rings that open and close, in such a way as to allow their removal or replacement without tearing: a loose-leaf notebook. 2. of or for use with a loose-leaf binder: loose-leaf paper. [1900–05]


(luːs) adjective1. not tight; not firmly stretched. a loose coat; This belt is loose. 寬鬆的 宽松的2. not firmly fixed. This button is loose. 鬆散的 松散的3. not tied; free. The horses are loose in the field. 未被綁住的 没加束缚的4. not packed; not in a packet. loose biscuits. 散裝的 散装的ˈloosely adverb 寬鬆地,鬆散地 松散地ˈlooseness noun 寬鬆,鬆散 松散ˈloosen verb1. to make or become loose. She loosened the string; The screw had loosened and fallen out. 解開,鬆掉 解开2. to relax (eg a hold). He loosened his grip. 鬆開 松开ˌloose-ˈleaf adjective (of a notebook etc) made so that pages can easily be added or removed. 活頁的 活页的break loose to escape. The prisoner broke loose. 逃脫 逃脱let loose to free from control. The circus trainer has let the lions loose. 放出 放出
a loose (not lose) screw.