left shift

left shift

Hematology An ↑ in a peripheral blood smear of immature granulocytes with ↓ nuclear segmentation, ie 'band' forms, due to ↑ production of myeloid cells in the BM, caused by acute infection Physiology An ↑ in Hb's affinity for O2–as represented by the oxygen dissociation curve, where the P50 is ↓ and shifted to the left, as occurs with ↑ pH–Bohr effect or ↓ temperature. Cf Right shift.

left shift

1. In hematology, an increase in the number of immature polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the circulating blood. See: Arneth's classification of neutrophils2. In acid-base physiology, a left-shifted oxyhemoglobin dissociation level, indicating an increased affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen. Synonym: shift to the leftSee also: shift