Acronym | Definition |
GBM➣Isle of Man (International Auto Identification) |
GBM➣Glioblastoma Multiforme |
GBM➣Glomerular Basement Membrane |
GBM➣Gay and Bisexual Men |
GBM➣Geometric Brownian Motion (mathematical finance) |
GBM➣Genie Backup Manager (software) |
GBM➣Génie Biomédical (French: Biomedical Engineering) |
GBM➣Game Boy Micro (game console) |
GBM➣Groupe Banque Mondiale (French: World Bank Group) |
GBM➣Guerre Blindés & Matériel (French: Armoured Warfare and Equipment) |
GBM➣Green Belt Movement |
GBM➣Global Banking and Markets |
GBM➣General Business Meeting (various organizations) |
GBM➣Gulf Business Machines (est. 1990) |
GBM➣Gay Black Male |
GBM➣Global Brand Manager |
GBM➣Grand Bend Motorplex |
GBM➣Ginger Bread Man |
GBM➣Gotham Baseball Magazine (est. 2005; Gotham Sports Media) |
GBM➣Global Business Model |
GBM➣Green Bay Metro (Wisconsin) |
GBM➣Gaussian Beam Model |
GBM➣Global Battle Manager |
GBM➣Group Billing Master (insurance) |
GBM➣Grupo Bioquímico de Guatemala SA (Spanish) |
GBM➣Geosphere-Biosphere Model |
GBM➣Global Business Market |
GBM➣Global Business Machines |
GBM➣GLAST (Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope) Burst Monitor (NASA) |