Acronym | Definition |
KIMS➣Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences (Trivandrum, India) |
KIMS➣Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences (est. 1980; Bangalore, India) |
KIMS➣Kassel International Management School (University of Kassel; Kassel, Germany) |
KIMS➣Kousali Institute of Management Studies (Dharwad, India) |
KIMS➣Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (India) |
KIMS➣Kawasaki Ignition Management System (motorcycles) |
KIMS➣Kennedy Inventory Management System (US NASA) |
KIMS➣Key Indicators Mapping System (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization) |
KIMS➣Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences (Nalgonda District, AP, India) |