Hunt syndrome

Hunt syn·drome

(hŭnt), 1. an intention tremor beginning in one extremity, gradually increasing in intensity, and subsequently involving other parts of the body; Synonym(s): ataxia with myoclonus, progressive cerebellar tremor2. facial paralysis, otalgia, and herpes zoster resulting from viral infection of the seventh cranial nerve and geniculate ganglion; 3. a form of juvenile paralysis agitans associated with primary atrophy of the pallidal system. Synonym(s): paleostriatal syndrome, pallidal syndrome Synonym(s): Ramsay Hunt syndrome (1)

Hunt syndrome

Ramsay Hunt syndrome, see there.

Hunt syn·drome

(hŭnt sin'drōm) 1. An intention tremor beginning in one limb, gradually increasing in intensity, and subsequently involving other parts of the body. 2. Facial paralysis, otalgia, and herpes zoster resulting from viral infection of the seventh cranial nerve and geniculate ganglion. 3. A form of juvenile paralysis agitans associated with primary atrophy of the pallidal system.
Synonym(s): Ramsay Hunt syndrome (1) .


James Ramsay, U.S. neurologist, 1872-1937. Hunt atrophy - obsolete term for atrophy of the small muscles of the hand, without sensory disturbances.Hunt neuralgia - a severe paroxysmal lancinating pain deep in the ear. Synonym(s): geniculate neuralgiaHunt paradoxical phenomenon - in torsion dystonia, extension of the foot in response to passive flexion and flexion in response to attempted passive extension.Hunt syndrome - (1) an intention tremor beginning in one extremity and subsequently involving other parts of the body. Synonym(s): progressive cerebellar tremor; - (2) facial paralysis, otalgia, and herpes zoster resulting from viral infection of the seventh cranial nerve and geniculate ganglion. Synonym(s): herpes zoster oticus; - (3) a form of juvenile paralysis agitans associated with primary atrophy of the pallidal system. Synonym(s): paleostriatal syndrome; pallidal syndrome; Ramsay Hunt syndromeRamsay Hunt syndrome - Synonym(s): Hunt syndrome

Hunt syn·drome

(hŭnt sin'drōm) 1. Intention tremor beginning in one extremity, gradually increasing in intensity, and subsequently involving other parts of the body. 2. Facial paralysis, otalgia, and herpes zoster due to viral infection of the seventh cranial nerve and geniculate ganglion.