释义 |
Killian triangle Kil·li·an tri·an·gle (kil'ē-ăn), the triangular area of the cervical esophagus bordered by the oblique fibers of the inferior constrictor muscle of the pharynx and the transverse fibers of the cricopharyngeus muscle through which pharyngoesophageal diverticulum occurs.Kil·li·an tri·an·gle (kil'ē-ăn trī'ang-gĕl) The triangular area of the cervical esophagus, bordered by the oblique fibers of the inferior constrictor muscle of the pharynx and the transverse fibers of the cricopharyngeus muscle, through which Zenker diverticulum occurs. Killian, Gustav, German laryngologist, 1860-1921. Killian antrum cannulaKillian bundle - Synonym(s): inferior constrictor muscle of pharynxKillian cannulaKillian elevatorKillian frontal sinus chiselKillian frontoethmoidectomy procedureKillian gougeKillian incisionKillian nasal speculumKillian operation - an operation for frontal sinus disease.Killian septal compression forcepsKillian septal elevatorKillian septal speculumKillian tonsil knifeKillian triangle - the triangular-shaped area of the cervical esophagus. Synonym(s): Laimer triangleKillian-Lynch suspension laryngoscope |