

单词 malignant lymphoma

Malignant lymphoma

a fatal disease characterized by the formation in various parts of the body of new growths resembling lymphatic glands in structure.

See also: Lymphoma


malignant lymphoma


 [lim-fo´mah] any neoplastic disorder of lymphoid tissue, including hodgkin's disease. Often used to denote lymphoma" >malignant lymphoma, classifications of which are based on predominant cell type and degree of differentiation; various categories may be subdivided into nodular and diffuse types depending on the predominant pattern of cell arrangement.adult T-cell lymphoma (adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma) leukemia/lymphoma" >adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma.African lymphoma Burkitt's lymphoma.B-cell l's a heterogeneous group of lymphoid malignancies including most non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, representing clonal expansions of malignant lymphocytes" >B lymphocytes that have been arrested at a particular stage in their differentiation from primitive stem cells. B-cell lymphoma usually appears as a painless lymph node enlargement, although extranodal sites of origin are not uncommon. These lymphomas have been classified on the basis of morphologic features characteristic of the different stages of normal B lymphocyte differentiation.Burkitt's lymphoma see burkitt's lymphoma.lymphoma cu´tis primary skin involvement by a B-cell lymphoma without demonstrable systemic disease.diffuse lymphoma lymphoma" >malignant lymphoma in which the neoplastic cells infiltrate the entire lymph node without any organized pattern.follicular lymphoma lymphoma" >malignant lymphoma in which the lymphomatous cells are clustered into identifiable nodules within the lymph nodes that somewhat resemble the germinal centers of nodules" >lymphatic nodules. Follicular lymphomas usually occur in older persons and commonly involve many or all nodes as well as extranodal sites. Called also nodular lymphoma.follicular center cell lymphoma any of a large group of B-cell lymphomas, comprising four subtypes classified on the basis of the predominant cell type (resembling small cleaved, large cleaved, small noncleaved, and large noncleaved follicular center cells). Because of the wide variety of prognostic levels and the existence of tumors with several types of cells, the original four categories have now been divided up and scattered among several new categories of follicular and lymphomas" >diffuse lymphomas.giant follicular lymphoma follicular lymphoma.granulomatous lymphoma Hodgkin's disease.histiocytic lymphoma a rare type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of intermediate to high malignancy, characterized by large tumor cells that resemble histiocytes morphologically but are considered to be of lymphoid origin. Many tumors formerly placed in this category are now considered to belong in one of the large cell lymphoma groups.Hodgkin's lymphoma Hodgkin's disease.large cell lymphoma any of several types of lymphoma characterized by formation of malignant large lymphocytes in a diffuse pattern; some varieties contain exclusively one type of cell, such as lymphoblasts or cleaved or uncleaved follicular center cells, and others have a mixture of cells, sometimes including ones that cannot be characterized as to lineage.Lennert's lymphoma a type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with a high content of epithelioid histiocytes; bone marrow involvement is common and response to chemotherapy is often poor.lymphoblastic lymphoma a highly malignant type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma composed of a diffuse, relatively uniform proliferation of cells with round or convoluted nuclei and scanty cytoplasm, which are cytologically similar to the lymphoblasts seen in leukemia" >acute lymphoblastic leukemia.malignant lymphoma a group of malignant neoplasms characterized by the proliferation of cells native to the tissues" >lymphoid tissues, i.e., lymphocytes, histiocytes, and their precursors and derivatives. The group is divided into two major categories: hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.mixed lymphocytic-histiocytic lymphoma non-Hodgkin's lymphoma characterized by a mixed population of cells, with the smaller cells resembling lymphocytes and the larger ones histiocytes, usually occurring in a nodular histologic pattern but sometimes evolving into a diffuse pattern.nodular lymphoma follicular lymphoma.non-Hodgkin's l's a heterogeneous group of lymphomas" >malignant lymphomas whose common feature is absence of the giant Reed-Sternberg cells characteristic of hodgkin's disease. They arise from the lymphoid components of the immune system, and present a clinical picture broadly similar to that of Hodgkin's disease except that these diseases are initially more widespread, with the most common manifestation being painless enlargement of one or more peripheral lymph nodes. The nomenclature and classification of these lymphomas has been a subject of controversy. One widely accepted classification is based on two criteria: cytologic characteristics of the constituent cells and type of cell growth pattern (defined as either nodular [follicular] or diffuse). Another system of classification is based on the cell type of origin: T- or lymphocytes" >B-lymphocytes or histiocytes" >histiocytes. Still another formulation has been proposed, separating non-Hodgkin's lymphomas into major histopathologic subtypes using only morphologic criteria.
Diagnostic procedures used to confirm suspected non-Hodgkin's lymphoma include PET scans, gallium scans, and occasionally lymphangiograms. If lymphoma is diagnosed, it will be staged using the same system as for Hodgkin's disease.
Treatment will depend on the type and stage. It may be single agent or multiagent chemotherapy, therapy" >radiation therapy, biotherapy, or a combination. Blood transfusions and transplantation" >bone marrow transplantation have shown efficacy for some types of lymphoma.
Patient care: major problems presented by the patient with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma include the management of side effects associated with treatment and the prevention of infection.
small lymphocytic lymphoma a diffuse form of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with a low grade of malignancy; it represents the neoplastic proliferation of well-differentiated B lymphocytes and may present with either focal lymph node enlargement or generalized lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly. The predominant cell type is a compact, small, normal-appearing lymphocyte with a dark-staining round nucleus, scanty cytoplasm, and little size variation. It nearly always involves the bone marrow, and often malignant cells are found in the blood, so that its clinical picture is similar to that of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Called also well-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma.T-cell l's a heterogeneous group of lymphoid tumors representing malignant transformation of the lymphocytes" >T lymphocytes. Types include convoluted T-cell lymphomas, cutaneous T-cell lymphomas, leukemia" >adult T-cell leukemia, and certain other conditions.undifferentiated lymphoma malignant lymphoma composed of undifferentiated cells, i.e., cells that do not show morphologic evidence of maturation toward lymphocytes or histiocytes, which vary in size and may include bizarre giant forms.well-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma small lymphocytic lymphoma.

ma·lig·nant lym·pho·ma

general term for ordinarily malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and reticuloendothelial tissues that present as apparently circumscribed solid tumors composed of cells that appear primitive or resemble lymphocytes, plasma cells, or histiocytes. Lymphomas appear most frequently in lymph nodes, spleen, or other normal sites of lymphoreticular cells; when disseminated, Lymphomas, especially of the lymphocytic type, may invade the peripheral blood and manifest as leukemia. Lymphomas are classified by cell type, degrees of differentiation, and nodular or diffuse pattern; Hodgkin disease and Burkitt lymphoma are special forms.

malignant lymphoma

Lymphoma. These two terms are used interchangeably, in a fashion similar to melanoma and malignant melanoma.

ma·lig·nant lym·pho·ma

(mă-lig'nănt lim-fō'mă) General term for malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and reticuloendothelial tissues that present as solid tumors composed of cells that appear primitive or resemble lymphocytes, plasma cells, or histiocytes. Lymphomas appear most frequently in lymph nodes, spleen, or other normal sites of lymphoreticular cells. Lymphomas are classified by cell type, degrees of differentiation, and nodular or diffuse pattern; Hodgkin disease and Burkitt lymphoma are special forms.

Patient discussion about malignant lymphoma

Q. I would like to chat with someone w/any knowledge of fibromyalgia being treated with Methadone my best friend has severe fibromyalgia and has been treated with Methadone for the past several years. She has developed severe chronic anemia in these years. She now has lymphoma. I want to know if she is the only one and if methadone can affect bone marrow.A. I have never ever heard or read anywhere about methadone causing anemia, nor is that something that an opiate medication would normally cause. We all have a tendency to blame everything that happens to us, health-wise, on methadone sometimes--but in this case, you probably need to look elsewhere for the cause.
the Anemia is probably due to the Lymphoma. if not-her life is out of balance, she might changed her diet and may have shortage of iron or B12.

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