Acronym | Definition |
MID➣Middle |
MID➣Middletown (Amtrak station code; Middletown, PA) |
MID➣Midfield |
MID➣Made in Detroit (Detroit, MI) |
MID➣Ministry of Infrastructure Development (various nations) |
MID➣Most Important Document (insurance) |
MID➣Mortgage Interest Deduction (taxes) |
MID➣Modesto Irrigation District (California) |
MID➣Major Industrial Development |
MID➣Musical Instrument Digital Interface (file extension) |
MID➣Multi-Infarct Dementia (memory loss) |
MID➣Mobile Internet Device |
MID➣Military Intelligence Directorate (various locations) |
MID➣Municipal Improvement District (various locations) |
MID➣Multi-Information Display |
MID➣Message Identifier (ATM) |
MID➣Multiplex Identifier |
MID➣Moving Into Dance (Johannesburg, South Africa) |
MID➣Mentioned in Dispatches |
MID➣Measuring Instruments Directive |
MID➣Mcafee Installation Designer |
MID➣Message Identification |
MID➣Mobile Internet Devices |
MID➣Mobile Id |
MID➣Midi File |
MID➣Message Input Descriptor |
MID➣Machine Identifier |
MID➣Merchant Identification Number |
MID➣Mechanized Infantry Division |
MID➣Medical Industry Development |
MID➣Mild Intellectual Disability (special education) |
MID➣Molded Interconnect Device |
MID➣Military Intelligence Detachment |
MID➣Militarized Interstate Dispute |
MID➣Master of Industrial Design |
MID➣Mechanical Inspection Department (Association of American Railroads) |
MID➣Militaire Inlichtingendienst |
MID➣Metropolitan Improvement District (Seattle, WA) |
MID➣Management Initiative Decision (US government) |
MID➣Multimedia Instructional Design |
MID➣Market Information Digest (reference tool; AC Nielsen) |
MID➣Minimum Immunizing Dose (vaccines) |
MID➣Manager in Development (restaurants) |
MID➣Matsushita Investment and Development (Secaucus, NJ) |
MID➣Minimum Infective Dose |
MID➣Maritime Identification Digit |
MID➣Master of International Development (University of Pittsburgh) |
MID➣Ministry of Information Development (Moldova) |
MID➣Military Intelligence Digest |
MID➣Mirror Image Design |
MID➣Ministerstvo Inostrannyh Del (Russian: Ministry of Foreign Affairs) |
MID➣Memory Identifier |
MID➣Mobile Intelligent Device (mobile phone with the PDA and digital camera) |
MID➣Minimum Inhibitory Dilution |
MID➣Message Identification Character |
MID➣Mouse Infective Dose |
MID➣Multiple Interface Device |
MID➣Mechanical Interface Drawing |
MID➣Modular Input Device |
MID➣Mentioned in Dispatch (British award) |
MID➣Maintenance Instruction Document |
MID➣Message Input Device |
MID➣Morpho-semantic class IDentifier |
MID➣Miniature Imager Device |
MID➣Merida, Yucatan, Mexico - Merida International (Airport Code) |
MID➣Major Identification Sign (marketing) |
MID➣Management of Information Department |
MID➣Ministry of Internal Defence |