

单词 mid


mid 1

M0278700 (mĭd)adj.1. Middle; central.2. Being the part in the middle or center: in the mid Pacific.3. Linguistics Of, relating to, or being a vowel produced with the tongue in a position approximately intermediate between high and low, as the vowel in but.
[Middle English, from Old English midd; see medhyo- in Indo-European roots.]

mid 2

M0278700 (mĭd)prep. Surrounded by; amid: mid smoke and flame.
[Alteration of amid.]


(mɪd) adj (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics of, relating to, or denoting a vowel whose articulation lies approximately halfway between high and low, such as e in English betn an archaic word for middle[C12 midre (inflected form of midd, unattested); related to Old Norse mithr, Gothic midjis]


(mɪd) or


prep a poetic word for amid



adj. 1. being at or near the middle point of: in mid autumn. 2. (of a vowel) articulated with an opening above the tongue approximately intermediate between those for high and low, as the vowels of bet, bait, but, and boat. Compare high (def. 20), low 1 (def. 27). n. 3. Archaic. the middle. [before 900; Middle English, Old English midd-; c. Old High German mitti, Old Norse mithr, Gothic midjis, Old Irish mide, Latin medius, Greek mésos, Skt madhya middle]


or 'mid


prep. amid.


a combining form representing mid1: midday; mid-Victorian.


Adj.1.mid - used in combination to denote the middlemid - used in combination to denote the middle; "midmorning"; "midsummer"; "in mid-1958"; "a mid-June wedding"middle - between an earlier and a later period of time; "in the middle years"; "in his middle thirties"


adjective1. At, in, near, or being the center:center, central, medial, median, middle.2. Not extreme:central, intermediate, mean, medial, median, middle, middle-of-the-road, midway.


(mid) adjective at, or in, the middle of. a midweek football match; in mid air; a mid-air collision between two aircraft. 中間的 中间的ˈmid-ˈfielders in football etc, the players in the middle area of the pitch. (足球)前衛 (足球的)中锋




You don't change horses mid-race.

It is dangerous or inadvisable to choose or back a different political figure for an election after the decision has already been made or the position filled. Many people are dissatisfied with the senator's performance but will likely carry his party's support through to the next election—you don't change horses mid-race, as the saying goes.See also: change, horse

in midair

Moving through the air. One of their players was able to intercept the ball in midair and the score a touchdown. Look at this great picture I've got of you in midair! And here's one from right when you hit the water.See also: midair

in midair

in a point high in the air. The planes crashed in midair. Extra fuel was released from the plane in midair.See also: midair



(1) The file extension for Musical Instrument Digital Interface files (see MIDI file).

(2) (Mobile Internet Device) Intel's moniker for a low-cost handheld computer that has wireless capability. The term was coined when Intel introduced its Atom chips in 2008. MIDs are larger than smartphones and smaller than netbooks. See Intel Atom.



Abbreviation for minimal infecting dose.


Abbreviation for:
maximum inhibiting dilution
median infective dose
minimum inihibiting dose
minimum inihibitory dilution
minimum infective dose 
multi-infarct dementia (see there)


Multi-infarct dementia, see there.


Abbreviation for minimal infecting dose.

Patient discussion about MID

Q. How can I avoid waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom? I wake up e-v-e-r-y night, in the middle of the night. At least once. A. Was that always like this? Did it start in the recent time? How old are you?
You see, waking up in the middle of the night for urination is sometime a symptom. Could be something is pressuring your bladder, like women when they are pregnant- they go every 10 minutes.
Here is a symptom search about urinating often:

More discussions about MID


MIDMiddletown (Amtrak station code; Middletown, PA)
MIDMade in Detroit (Detroit, MI)
MIDMinistry of Infrastructure Development (various nations)
MIDMost Important Document (insurance)
MIDMortgage Interest Deduction (taxes)
MIDModesto Irrigation District (California)
MIDMajor Industrial Development
MIDMusical Instrument Digital Interface (file extension)
MIDMulti-Infarct Dementia (memory loss)
MIDMobile Internet Device
MIDMilitary Intelligence Directorate (various locations)
MIDMunicipal Improvement District (various locations)
MIDMulti-Information Display
MIDMessage Identifier (ATM)
MIDMultiplex Identifier
MIDMoving Into Dance (Johannesburg, South Africa)
MIDMentioned in Dispatches
MIDMeasuring Instruments Directive
MIDMcafee Installation Designer
MIDMessage Identification
MIDMobile Internet Devices
MIDMobile Id
MIDMidi File
MIDMessage Input Descriptor
MIDMachine Identifier
MIDMerchant Identification Number
MIDMechanized Infantry Division
MIDMedical Industry Development
MIDMild Intellectual Disability (special education)
MIDMolded Interconnect Device
MIDMilitary Intelligence Detachment
MIDMilitarized Interstate Dispute
MIDMaster of Industrial Design
MIDMechanical Inspection Department (Association of American Railroads)
MIDMilitaire Inlichtingendienst
MIDMetropolitan Improvement District (Seattle, WA)
MIDManagement Initiative Decision (US government)
MIDMultimedia Instructional Design
MIDMarket Information Digest (reference tool; AC Nielsen)
MIDMinimum Immunizing Dose (vaccines)
MIDManager in Development (restaurants)
MIDMatsushita Investment and Development (Secaucus, NJ)
MIDMinimum Infective Dose
MIDMaritime Identification Digit
MIDMaster of International Development (University of Pittsburgh)
MIDMinistry of Information Development (Moldova)
MIDMilitary Intelligence Digest
MIDMirror Image Design
MIDMinisterstvo Inostrannyh Del (Russian: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
MIDMemory Identifier
MIDMobile Intelligent Device (mobile phone with the PDA and digital camera)
MIDMinimum Inhibitory Dilution
MIDMessage Identification Character
MIDMouse Infective Dose
MIDMultiple Interface Device
MIDMechanical Interface Drawing
MIDModular Input Device
MIDMentioned in Dispatch (British award)
MIDMaintenance Instruction Document
MIDMessage Input Device
MIDMorpho-semantic class IDentifier
MIDMiniature Imager Device
MIDMerida, Yucatan, Mexico - Merida International (Airport Code)
MIDMajor Identification Sign (marketing)
MIDManagement of Information Department
MIDMinistry of Internal Defence


  • adj

Synonyms for mid

adj at, in, near, or being the center


  • center
  • central
  • medial
  • median
  • middle

adj not extreme


  • central
  • intermediate
  • mean
  • medial
  • median
  • middle
  • middle-of-the-road
  • midway

Words related to mid

adj used in combination to denote the middle

Related Words

  • middle




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