Khanega on the Pirsagat River

Khanega on the Pirsagat River


a monument of medieval Azerbaijani architecture in the Azerbaijan SSR. The structure, a fortified khanaka on the caravan route from Shemakha to Iran, is now in ruins. It was built between the 12th and 14th centuries. The irregular-shaped courtyard was surrounded with various structures: a mosque (the carved stucco mihrab of which is now in the literary museum in Baku), the mausoleum of Pir Husayn (the unique ceramic inlays of which, with inscriptions and ornamentation in luster, are now in the Hermitage Museum in Leningrad and the historical museums in Baku and Tbilisi), and a minaret (1256, architect Mahmud, son of Maksud).


Krachkovskaia, V. A. Izraztsy mavzoleia Pir-Khuseina. Tbilisi, 1946.