Malabar Farm State Park

Malabar Farm State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Ohio
Location:1 hour northeast of Columbus, in the center of the state.
Facilities:15 campsites (without electricity), horsemen's camp, youth hostel, day-use lodge, picnic areas, restaurant, multi-use trails (12 miles).
Activities:Camping, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, cross-country skiing, ice skating, sledding, guided tours, nature programs.
Special Features:Malabar Farm was the dream of Louis Bromfield, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and dedicated conservationist who purchased 600 acres of worn-out farmland and, by applying wise conservation measures, made Malabar productive. Park offers daily tours of the 32-room "Big House" as well as special programs every month that include workshops on spinning, hearthside cooking, and other pioneer skills.
Address:4050 Bromfield Rd
Lucas, OH 44843

Size: 875 acres land; 3 acres water.

See other parks in Ohio.