Jan van Scorel

Scorel, Jan van


Born Aug. 1, 1495, in Scorel, present-day Schoorl, near Alkmaar; died Dec. 6, 1562, in Utrecht. Dutch painter; representative of Romanism.

Scorel received a broad humanist education and, beginning in 1516, studied painting under Mabuse in Utrecht. From 1518 to 1524 he traveled through Germany, Switzerland, and Italy and visited Palestine. He also served as curator of the classical statues of the Belvedere Court in the Vatican. Scorel’s best works are distinguished by rich color and poetic landscape backgrounds. Scorel also executed the realistic series Portraits of Pilgrims (Central Museum, Utrecht; Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem).


Kuznetsov, Iu. I. “Novye proizvedeniia Iana van Skorelia.” Iskusstvo, 1958, no. 9, pp. 65–72.
Friedländer, M. J. Early Netherlandish Painting. Vol. 12: Jan van Scorel and Pieter Coeck van Aelst. Leiden-Brussels, 1975.