right ventricular failure

right ven·tric·u·lar fail·ure

congestive heart failure manifested by distention of the neck veins, enlargement of the liver, and dependent edema due to pump failure of the right ventricle.

right ventricular failure

Cardiology CHF due to ↑ filling pressure, resulting in systemic–venous congestion Clinical ↑ Abdominal girth, pitting edema of lower extremities, ↑ JVP, liver congestion. See Congestive heart failure. Cf Left ventricular failure.

right ven·tric·u·lar fail·ure

(rīt ven-trik'yū-lăr fāl'yŭr) Congestive heart failure manifested by distention of the neck veins, enlargement of the liver, and dependent edema due to pump failure of the right ventricle.

right ven·tric·u·lar fail·ure

(rīt ven-trik'yū-lăr fāl'yŭr) Congestive heart failure manifested by distention of the neck veins, enlargement of the liver, and dependent edema.