J. Edward Roush Lake

J. Edward Roush Lake

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Indiana
Location:Off state roads 224 and 5, east and south of Huntington.
Facilities:130 primitive campsites, youth tent camping areas, shelterhouse, hikingtrails, mountain bike trail, sled dog trail, swimming beach, 2 boatramps, fishing piers (2 @di), radio-controlled flying field, archeryrange, 3 basketball courts (beach and campground), shooting range,playground, interpretive services.
Activities:Camping, swimming, fishing, boating, water-skiing, hiking, mountain biking, ice fishing, hunting (pheasant).
Special Features:Lake area includes Little Turtle State Recreation Area and Kil-So-Quah State Recreation Area.
Address:517 N Warren Rd
Huntington, IN 46750

Web: www.in.gov/dnr/parklake/reservoirs/huntington.html
Size: 8,217 acres land; 870 acres water.

See other parks in Indiana.