Kalaidovich, Konstantin Fedorovich

Kalaidovich, Konstantin Fedorovich


Born May 1792 in Elets; died Apr. 19 (May 1), 1832, in Moscow. Russian archaeographer and historian.

Kalaidovich graduated from Moscow University in 1810, at which time he joined the circle of Count N. P. Rumiantsev, the first great center of archaeography in Russia. He took an active part in the work of the Moscow Society of History and Russian Antiquities and the Commission for the Printing of Government Documents and Treaties. In 1817–18 he participated with P. M. Stroev in the archaeographical expedition that discovered written remains of extreme importance for the historical sciences, including Writings of Sviatoslav (1073) and the works of Kirill Turovskii. Kalaidovich published Russian Memorabilia (vol. 1, 1815), Old Russian Verses collected by Kirsha Danilov (1818), the Laws … of Ivan III and Ivan IV (1819), and Monuments of Russian Literature of the XII Century (1821). His scholarly works were devoted to the description of manuscripts as well as to auxiliary historical disciplines. Kalaidovich played a large role in developing the scholarly publication of source materials.


Sofinov, P. G. Iz istorii russkoi dorevoliutsionnoi arkheografii. Moscow, 1957. (Bibliography.)