Ivan Grevs
Grevs, Ivan Mikhailovich
Born May 4(16), 1860. in the village of Lutovinovo, Voronezh Province; died May 16, 1941, in Leningrad. Russian historian. Professor at the Be-stuzhev Advanced Courses for Women in St. Petersburg (1892–1918) and professor at St. Petersburg (after 1924, Leningrad) University (1899–1941).
Grevs is the author of Essays From the History of Roman Landownership (in which, following N. D. Fustel de Coulanges, he regarded the early Middle Ages as a continuation of the Roman social structure), many works on the history of medieval culture and life (Essays on Florentine Culture, 1903–05; essays on Dante. 1913 and 1923), and the popular scholarly book Tacitus (1946, published posthumously). Grevs’ pedagogical activity was of great importance: he was one of the founders of the seminar system and of the field-work method in Russian university education and was one of the prominent figures in women’s education in Russia.