James fibers

James fi·bers

(jāmz), atrio-His bundle connections thought to be the basis for the short P-R interval syndrome; these fibers should be distinguished from the controversial internodal tracts of the atrium. Synonym(s): James tracts

James fibers

(jāmz) [Thomas N. James, U.S. cardiologist and physiologist, b. 1925] A pathway for conduction of cardiac impulses so that they bypass the atrioventricular node. This alternate fiber pathway permits pre-excitation of the ventricle with resultant tachycardia.


Thomas N., U.S. cardiologist and physiologist, 1925–. James fibers - atrio-His bundle connections thought to be the basis for the short P-R interval syndrome. Synonym(s): James tractsJames tracts - Synonym(s): James fibers