Kataev, Ivan

Kataev, Ivan Ivanovich


Born May 14 (27), 1902, in Moscow; died May 2, 1939. Soviet Russian writer. Member of the CPSU from 1919.

Kataev’s first works were published in 1921. He was active in the literary group Pereval. His works depicting the collectivization and industrialization of the country and the upbringing of the new man include the novellas The Heart (1928), Milk (1930), and The Encounter (1934) and the collections of essays Movement (1932) and The Man on the Mountain (1934).


Izbrannoe. Povesti i rasskazy. Ocherki. [Introductory article by V. Goffenshefer.] Moscow, 1957.
Pod chistymi zvezdami. Povesti. Rasskazy. Ocherki. [Foreword by E. Starikova.] Moscow, 1969.


Vospominaniia oh Ivane Kataeve. [Collection compiled by M. K. Terent’eva-Kataeva.] Moscow, 1970.
Russkie sovetskiepisateli-prozaiki. Biobibliograficheskii ukazatel’, vol. 2. Leningrad, 1964.