Acronym | Definition |
JTD➣Je T'Adore (French: I love you) |
JTD➣Unijet Turbo Diesel |
JTD➣Jake the Dog (Adventure Time) |
JTD➣Joint Table of Distribution |
JTD➣JTIDS (Joint Tactical Information Distribution System) Test Device |
JTD➣John Thomas Dye School (Los Angeles, CA) |
JTD➣Jet Turbo-Diesel |
JTD➣Joint Test Director |
JTD➣Job to Date |
JTD➣Joint-Service Technical Data |
JTD➣Jump to Default Risk (investment banking) |
JTD➣Journey to Damascus |
JTD➣Job Task Data |
JTD➣Joint Technical Data |
JTD➣Justification for Technical Determination (shipping) |
JTD➣Josephson Tunneling Device |